Full index

Package indexes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w _
Variable $action
rcmail::$action in rcmail.php
Current action.
Variable $ajax_call
rcube_json_output::$ajax_call in rcube_json_output.php
Variable $ajax_call
rcube_template::$ajax_call in rcube_template.php
Variable $aliases
rcube_charset::$aliases in rcube_charset.php
Variable $allowed
Variable $allowed
html::$allowed in html.php
Variable $allowed
Variable $allowed
Variable $allowed
Variable $allowed
Variable $all_headers
rcube_storage::$all_headers in rcube_storage.php
All (additional) headers used (in any way) by Roundcube Not listed here: DATE, FROM, TO, CC, REPLY-TO, SUBJECT, CONTENT-TYPE, LIST-POST (used for messages listing) are hardcoded in rcube_imap_generic::fetchHeaders()
Variable $api
rcube_plugin::$api in rcube_plugin.php
Instance of Plugin API
Variable $attachments
rcube_message::$attachments in rcube_message.php
Variable $attrib
html::$attrib in html.php
Method a
html::a() in html.php
Derrived method for link tags
Function abbreviate_string
abbreviate_string() in rcube_shared.inc
Truncate string if it is longer than the allowed length Replace the middle or the ending part of a string with a placeholder
Method absolute_url
Convert paths like ../xxx to an absolute path using a base url
Method abs_url
rcube_template::abs_url() in rcube_template.php
Make URLs starting with a slash point to skin directory
Method add
html_select::add() in html.php
Add a new option to this drop-down
Method add
Add a hidden field to this instance
Method add
html_table::add() in html.php
Add a table cell
Method add
rcube_string_replacer::add() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Add a string to the internal list
Method add
rcube_result_set::add() in rcube_result_set.php
Method add_button
rcube_plugin::add_button() in rcube_plugin.php
Append a button to a certain container
Method add_content
rcube_plugin_api::add_content() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Save the given HTML content to be added to a template container
Method add_footer
rcube_html_page::add_footer() in rcube_html_page.php
Add HTML code to the page footer To be added right befor </body>
Method add_gui_object
rcube_template::add_gui_object() in rcube_template.php
Register a GUI object to the client script
Method add_handler
rcube_template::add_handler() in rcube_template.php
Register a template object handler
Method add_handler
rcube_json_output::add_handler() in rcube_json_output.php
Register a template object handler
Method add_handlers
rcube_template::add_handlers() in rcube_template.php
Register a list of template object handlers
Method add_handlers
rcube_json_output::add_handlers() in rcube_json_output.php
Register a list of template object handlers
Method add_header
rcube_html_page::add_header() in rcube_html_page.php
Add HTML code to the page header
Method add_header
Add a table header cell
Method add_hook
rcube_plugin::add_hook() in rcube_plugin.php
Register a callback function for a specific (server-side) hook
Method add_label
rcube_json_output::add_label() in rcube_json_output.php
Add a localized label to the client environment
Method add_label
rcube_template::add_label() in rcube_template.php
Add a localized label to the client environment
Method add_message
rcube_imap_cache::add_message() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Saves the message in cache.
Method add_row
Jump to next row
Method add_script
rcube_html_page::add_script() in rcube_html_page.php
Add inline javascript code
Method add_shutdown_function
Registers shutdown function to be executed on shutdown.
Method add_texts
rcube_plugin::add_texts() in rcube_plugin.php
Load localized texts from the plugins dir
Method add_to_group
rcube_contacts::add_to_group() in rcube_contacts.php
Add the given contact records the a certain group
Method add_to_group
rcube_ldap::add_to_group() in rcube_ldap.php
Add the given contact records the a certain group
Method add_to_group
rcube_addressbook::add_to_group() in rcube_addressbook.php
Add the given contact records the a certain group
Method add_word
rcube_spellchecker::add_word() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Add a word to dictionary
Method affected_rows
rcube_mdb2::affected_rows() in rcube_mdb2.php
Get number of affected rows for the last query
Method all
rcube_config::all() in rcube_config.php
Getter for all config options
rcube_storage::ALREADYEXISTS in rcube_storage.php
Method append
rcube_imap_generic::append() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Handler for IMAP APPEND command
Method appendFromFile
rcube_imap_generic::appendFromFile() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Handler for IMAP APPEND command.
Method array2list
rcube_mdb2::array2list() in rcube_mdb2.php
Return list of elements for use with SQL's IN clause
Function array_keys_recursive
array_keys_recursive() in rcube_shared.inc
Get all keys from array (recursive)
Function asciiwords
asciiwords() in main.inc
Remove all non-ascii and non-word chars
Method attrib_string
Create string with attributes
Method authenticate
rcube_imap_generic::authenticate() in rcube_imap_generic.php
DIGEST-MD5/CRAM-MD5/PLAIN Authentication
Method autoselect_host
Auto-select IMAP host based on the posted login information
Variable $base_path
rcube_html_page::$base_path in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $body
rcube_html_page::$body in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $bodystructure
rcube_mail_header::$bodystructure in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $browser
rcube_template::$browser in rcube_template.php
Variable $browser
rcube_json_output::$browser in rcube_json_output.php
Variable $business
rcube_vcard::$business in rcube_vcard.php
Method bind
rcube_ldap::bind() in rcube_ldap.php
Bind connection with DN and password
Method br
html::br() in html.php
Derrived method for line breaks
Method build_thread
rcube_result_thread::build_thread() in rcube_result_thread.php
Converts part of the raw thread into an array
Method build_thread_data
rcube_result_thread::build_thread_data() in rcube_result_thread.php
Creates 'depth' and 'children' arrays from stored thread 'tree' data.
Method button
rcube_template::button() in rcube_template.php
Create and register a button
Variable $cache
rcube_imap::$cache in rcube_imap.php
Instance of rcube_cache
Variable $caching
rcube_imap::$caching in rcube_imap.php
Variable $cc
rcube_mail_header::$cc in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $charset
rcube_message_part::$charset in rcube_storage.php
Variable $charset
rcube_mail_header::$charset in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $charset
rcube_html_page::$charset in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $coltypes
rcube_ldap::$coltypes in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $coltypes
rcube_contacts::$coltypes in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $coltypes
rcube_addressbook::$coltypes in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $common_attrib
Variable $comm_path
rcmail::$comm_path in rcmail.php
Variable $config
rcmail::$config in rcmail.php
Stores instance of rcube_config.
Variable $config
rcube_plugin_api::$config in rcube_plugin_api.php
Variable $conn
rcube_storage::$conn in rcube_storage.php
Instance of connection object e.g. rcube_imap_generic
Variable $conn
rcube_ldap::$conn in rcube_ldap.php
private properties
Variable $conn
rcube_imap::$conn in rcube_imap.php
Instance of rcube_imap_generic
Variable $containers
html::$containers in html.php
Variable $content
html::$content in html.php
Variable $count
rcube_result_set::$count in rcube_result_set.php
Variable $css_files
rcube_html_page::$css_files in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $ctype
rcube_mail_header::$ctype in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $ctype_parameters
Variable $ctype_primary
Variable $ctype_secondary
Variable $current
rcube_result_set::$current in rcube_result_set.php
Method cache_gc
rcmail::cache_gc() in rcmail.php
Garbage collector for cache entries.
Method callback
Method change_flag
rcube_imap_cache::change_flag() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Sets the flag for specified message.
Method change_subscription
Subscribe/unsubscribe a list of folders and update local cache
Method charset_selector
GUI object 'charsetselector'
Method check
rcube_spellchecker::check() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Set content and check spelling
Method check_auth
rcube_session::check_auth() in rcube_session.php
Check session authentication cookie
Method check_connection
Check connection state, connect if not connected.
Method check_connection
Check connection state, connect if not connected.
Function check_email
check_email() in main.inc
E-mail address validation
Method check_permflag
rcube_storage::check_permflag() in rcube_storage.php
Checks the PERMANENTFLAGS capability of the current folder and returns true if the given flag is supported by the server.
Method check_permflag
Checks the PERMANENTFLAGS capability of the current folder and returns true if the given flag is supported by the IMAP server
Method check_request
Check if the current request contains a valid token
Method clean
rcube_charset::clean() in rcube_charset.php
Removes non-unicode characters from input.
Method clear
rcube_imap_cache::clear() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Clears the cache.
Method clearCapability
rcube_imap_generic::clearCapability() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method clearFolder
rcube_imap_generic::clearFolder() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Removes all messages in a folder
Method clear_cache
rcube_storage::clear_cache() in rcube_storage.php
Clears the cache.
Method clear_cache
rcube_imap::clear_cache() in rcube_imap.php
Clears the cache.
Function clear_directory
clear_directory() in rcube_shared.inc
Delete all files within a folder
Method clear_folder
rcube_storage::clear_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Remove all messages in a folder..
Method clear_messagecount
Remove messagecount of a specific folder from cache
Method clear_message_cache
Clears the messages cache.
Page clisetup.php
clisetup.php in clisetup.php
Method close
rcube_imap::close() in rcube_imap.php
Close IMAP connection.
Method close
rcube_storage::close() in rcube_storage.php
Close connection. Usually done on script shutdown
Method close
rcube_ldap::close() in rcube_ldap.php
Close connection to LDAP server
Method close
rcube_addressbook::close() in rcube_addressbook.php
Close connection to source
Method close
rcube_session::close() in rcube_session.php
Method close
rcube_cache::close() in rcube_cache.php
Writes the cache back to the DB.
Method close
rcube_imap_cache::close() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Cleanup actions (on shutdown).
Method close
rcube_imap_generic::close() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes CLOSE command
Method closeConnection
rcube_imap_generic::closeConnection() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Closes connection with logout.
Method command
rcube_template::command() in rcube_template.php
Call a client method
Method command
rcube_json_output::command() in rcube_json_output.php
Call a client method
rcube_imap_generic::COMMAND_CAPABILITY in rcube_imap_generic.php
rcube_imap_generic::COMMAND_LASTLINE in rcube_imap_generic.php
rcube_imap_generic::COMMAND_NORESPONSE in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method compare_uids
Sort method called by uksort()
Method compose_display_name
Compose a valid display name from the given structured contact data
Method compose_list_name
Compose the name to display in the contacts list for the given contact record.
Method compressMessageSet
Converts message identifiers array into sequence-set syntax
Method concat
rcube_mdb2::concat() in rcube_mdb2.php
Abstract SQL statement for value concatenation
Method connect
rcube_smtp::connect() in rcube_smtp.php
SMTP Connection and authentication
Method connect
rcube_imap::connect() in rcube_imap.php
Connect to an IMAP server
Method connect
rcube_imap_generic::connect() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Connects to IMAP server and authenticates.
Method connect
rcube_storage::connect() in rcube_storage.php
Connect to the server
Method connected
rcube_imap_generic::connected() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Checks connection status
Function console
console() in main.inc
Print or write debug messages
rcube_storage::CONTACTADMIN in rcube_storage.php
Method convert
rcube_charset::convert() in rcube_charset.php
Convert a string from one charset to another.
Method convert_criteria
Converts charset of search criteria string
Method copy
rcube_imap_generic::copy() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Copies message(s) from one folder to another
Method copy_message
rcube_imap::copy_message() in rcube_imap.php
Copy a message from one folder to another
Method copy_message
rcube_storage::copy_message() in rcube_storage.php
Copy message(s) from one mailbox to another.
Method count
rcube_addressbook::count() in rcube_addressbook.php
Count number of available contacts in database
Method count
rcube_storage::count() in rcube_storage.php
Get messages count for a specific folder.
Method count
rcube_contacts::count() in rcube_contacts.php
Count number of available contacts in database
Method count
rcube_imap::count() in rcube_imap.php
Get message count for a specific folder
Method count
rcube_ldap::count() in rcube_ldap.php
Count number of available contacts in database
Method count
rcube_result_thread::count() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns number of elements (threads) in the result
Method count
rcube_result_index::count() in rcube_result_index.php
Returns number of elements in the result
Method countMessages
rcube_imap_generic::countMessages() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns count of all messages in a folder
Method countRecent
rcube_imap_generic::countRecent() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns count of messages with \Recent flag in a folder
Method countUnseen
rcube_imap_generic::countUnseen() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns count of messages without \Seen flag in a specified folder
Method count_messages
rcube_result_thread::count_messages() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns number of all messages in the result
Method count_messages
rcube_result_index::count_messages() in rcube_result_index.php
Returns number of elements in the result.
Method create
rcube_user::create() in rcube_user.php
Create a new user record and return a rcube_user instance
Method createFolder
rcube_imap_generic::createFolder() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Folder creation (CREATE)
Function create_attrib_string
Compose a valid attribute string for HTML tags
Method create_default_folders
Create all folders specified as default
Method create_default_folders
Create all folders specified as default
Method create_folder
rcube_storage::create_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Create a new folder on the server.
Method create_folder
rcube_imap::create_folder() in rcube_imap.php
Create a new folder on the server and register it in local cache
Method create_group
rcube_ldap::create_group() in rcube_ldap.php
Create a contact group with the given name
Method create_group
rcube_addressbook::create_group() in rcube_addressbook.php
Create a contact group with the given name
Method create_group
rcube_contacts::create_group() in rcube_contacts.php
Create a contact group with the given name
Method create_mailbox
Method current_username
GUI object 'username' Showing IMAP username of the current session
Variable $data
rcube_user::$data in rcube_user.php
Variable $data
rcube_imap_generic::$data in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $date
rcube_mail_header::$date in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $db
rcmail::$db in rcmail.php
Instace of database class.
Variable $db_connected
rcube_mdb2::$db_connected in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_dsnr
rcube_mdb2::$db_dsnr in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_dsnw
rcube_mdb2::$db_dsnw in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_error
rcube_mdb2::$db_error in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_error_msg
rcube_mdb2::$db_error_msg in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_groupmembers
rcube_contacts::$db_groupmembers in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $db_groups
rcube_contacts::$db_groups in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $db_handle
rcube_mdb2::$db_handle in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_mode
rcube_mdb2::$db_mode in rcube_mdb2.php
Variable $db_name
rcube_contacts::$db_name in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $debug
rcube_ldap::$debug in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $default_charset
rcube_storage::$default_charset in rcube_storage.php
Variable $default_folders
rcube_storage::$default_folders in rcube_storage.php
Variable $default_template
rcube_html_page::$default_template in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $delimiter
rcube_imap::$delimiter in rcube_imap.php
Variable $dir
rcube_plugin_api::$dir in rcube_plugin_api.php
Variable $displayname
rcube_vcard::$displayname in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $disposition
Variable $doctype
html::$doctype in html.php
Variable $d_parameters
Method db_connect
rcube_mdb2::db_connect() in rcube_mdb2.php
Connect to appropiate database depending on the operation
Method db_destroy
rcube_session::db_destroy() in rcube_session.php
Handler for session_destroy()
Method db_gc
rcube_session::db_gc() in rcube_session.php
Garbage collecting function
Method db_read
rcube_session::db_read() in rcube_session.php
Read session data from database
Method db_write
rcube_session::db_write() in rcube_session.php
Save session data.
Method debug_handler
rcube_mdb2::debug_handler() in rcube_mdb2.php
Debug handler for the MDB2
Method debug_handler
rcube_imap::debug_handler() in rcube_imap.php
This is our own debug handler for the IMAP connection
Method debug_handler
rcube_smtp::debug_handler() in rcube_smtp.php
This is our own debug handler for the SMTP connection
Method decode
rcube_mdb2::decode() in rcube_mdb2.php
Decodes encoded UTF-8 string/object/array (recursive)
Method decode
rcube_mime::decode() in rcube_mime.php
Decode a mime part
Method decode_address_list
Split an address list into a structured array list
Method decode_address_list
Deprecated methods (to be removed)
Method decode_header
rcube_mime::decode_header() in rcube_mime.php
Decode a message header value
Method decode_header
rcube_imap::decode_header() in rcube_imap.php
Method decode_mime_string
Decode a mime-encoded string to internal charset
Method decode_mime_string
Method decrypt
rcmail::decrypt() in rcmail.php
Decrypt 3DES-encrypted string
Method delete
rcube_addressbook::delete() in rcube_addressbook.php
Mark one or more contact records as deleted
Method delete
rcube_contacts::delete() in rcube_contacts.php
Mark one or more contact records as deleted
Method delete
rcube_ldap::delete() in rcube_ldap.php
Mark one or more contact records as deleted
Method deleteACL
rcube_imap_generic::deleteACL() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the DELETEACL command (RFC4314)
Method deleteAnnotation
rcube_imap_generic::deleteAnnotation() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the SETANNOTATION command with NIL values (draft-daboo-imap-annotatemore)
Method deleteFolder
rcube_imap_generic::deleteFolder() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes DELETE command
Method deleteMetadata
rcube_imap_generic::deleteMetadata() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the SETMETADATA command with NIL values (RFC5464)
Method delete_acl
rcube_imap::delete_acl() in rcube_imap.php
Removes any <identifier,rights> pair for the specified user from the ACL for the specified folder (DELETEACL)
Method delete_acl
rcube_storage::delete_acl() in rcube_storage.php
Removes any <identifier,rights> pair for the specified user from the ACL for the specified folder (DELETEACL).
Method delete_all
rcube_contacts::delete_all() in rcube_contacts.php
Remove all records from the database
Method delete_all
rcube_ldap::delete_all() in rcube_ldap.php
Remove all contact records
Method delete_all
rcube_addressbook::delete_all() in rcube_addressbook.php
Mark all records in database as deleted
Method delete_folder
rcube_imap::delete_folder() in rcube_imap.php
Remove folder from server
Method delete_folder
rcube_storage::delete_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Remove a folder from the server.
Method delete_group
rcube_ldap::delete_group() in rcube_ldap.php
Delete the given group and all linked group members
Method delete_group
rcube_addressbook::delete_group() in rcube_addressbook.php
Delete the given group and all linked group members
Method delete_group
rcube_contacts::delete_group() in rcube_contacts.php
Delete the given group (and all linked group members)
Method delete_identity
Mark the given identity as deleted
Method delete_mailbox
Method delete_message
rcube_storage::delete_message() in rcube_storage.php
Mark message(s) as deleted and expunge.
Method delete_message
Mark messages as deleted and expunge them
Method delete_metadata
Unsets IMAP metadata/annotations (SETMETADATA/SETANNOTATION)
Method delete_metadata
Unsets metadata/annotations (SETMETADATA/SETANNOTATION)
Method delete_search
rcube_user::delete_search() in rcube_user.php
Deletes given saved search record
Method destroy
rcube_session::destroy() in rcube_session.php
Delete session data for the given key
Method detect
rcube_charset::detect() in rcube_charset.php
A method to guess character set of a string.
Method disconnect
rcube_smtp::disconnect() in rcube_smtp.php
Disconnect the global SMTP connection
Method div
html::div() in html.php
Derrived method for <div> containers
Method dn_decode
rcube_ldap::dn_decode() in rcube_ldap.php
Decodes DN string encoded with _dn_encode()
Method dn_encode
rcube_ldap::dn_encode() in rcube_ldap.php
HTML-safe DN string encoding
Method doctype
html::doctype() in html.php
Variable $email
rcube_vcard::$email in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $encoding
rcube_message_part::$encoding in rcube_storage.php
Variable $encoding
rcube_mail_header::$encoding in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $env
rcube_template::$env in rcube_template.php
Variable $env
rcube_json_output::$env in rcube_json_output.php
Variable $eol
rcube_vcard::$eol in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $error
rcube_imap_generic::$error in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $error
rcube_addressbook::$error in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $errornum
rcube_imap_generic::$errornum in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method email2user
rcube_user::email2user() in rcube_user.php
Resolve username using a virtuser plugins
Method enable
rcube_imap_generic::enable() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes ENABLE command (RFC5161)
Method encode
rcube_mdb2::encode() in rcube_mdb2.php
Encodes non-UTF-8 characters in string/array/object (recursive)
Method encrypt
rcmail::encrypt() in rcmail.php
Encrypt using 3DES
Method error
rcube_spellchecker::error() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Returns error message
Class Constant ERROR_BAD
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_BAD in rcube_imap_generic.php
Class Constant ERROR_BYE
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_BYE in rcube_imap_generic.php
Class Constant ERROR_COMMAND
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_COMMAND in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method error_handler
rcube_charset::error_handler() in rcube_charset.php
Catch an error and throw an exception.
Class Constant ERROR_NO
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_NO in rcube_imap_generic.php
Class Constant ERROR_OK
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_OK in rcube_imap_generic.php
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_READONLY in rcube_imap_generic.php
Class Constant ERROR_READ_ONLY
rcube_addressbook::ERROR_READ_ONLY in rcube_addressbook.php
constants for error reporting *
Class Constant ERROR_SAVING
rcube_addressbook::ERROR_SAVING in rcube_addressbook.php
Class Constant ERROR_SEARCH
rcube_addressbook::ERROR_SEARCH in rcube_addressbook.php
Class Constant ERROR_UNKNOWN
rcube_imap_generic::ERROR_UNKNOWN in rcube_imap_generic.php
rcube_addressbook::ERROR_VALIDATE in rcube_addressbook.php
Method escape
rcube_imap_generic::escape() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Escapes a string when it contains special characters (RFC3501)
Method escapeSimple
rcube_mdb2::escapeSimple() in rcube_mdb2.php
Escapes a string
Method exec
rcmail::exec() in rcmail.php
Construct shell command, execute it and return output as string.
Method execute
rcube_imap_generic::execute() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Sends IMAP command and parses result
Method exec_action
rcube_plugin_api::exec_action() in rcube_plugin_api.php
This method handles requests like _task=mail&_action=plugin.foo It executes the callback function that was registered with the given action.
Method exec_hook
rcube_plugin_api::exec_hook() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Triggers a plugin hook.
Method exists
rcube_result_thread::exists() in rcube_result_thread.php
Check if the given message ID exists in the object
Method exists
rcube_result_index::exists() in rcube_result_index.php
Check if the given message ID exists in the object
Method explode_header_string
Explodes header (e.g. address-list) string into array of strings using specified separator characters with proper handling of quoted-strings and comments (RFC2822)
Method explode_header_string
Method export
rcube_vcard::export() in rcube_vcard.php
Convert the data structure into a vcard 3.0 string
Method expunge
rcube_imap::expunge() in rcube_imap.php
Method expunge
rcube_cache::expunge() in rcube_cache.php
Remove cache records older than ttl
Method expunge
rcube_imap_cache::expunge() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Delete cache entries older than TTL
Method expunge
rcube_imap_generic::expunge() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes EXPUNGE command
Method expunge_cache
rcube_imap::expunge_cache() in rcube_imap.php
Delete outdated cache entries
Method expunge_cache
rcube_storage::expunge_cache() in rcube_storage.php
Delete outdated cache entries
Method expunge_folder
rcube_storage::expunge_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Send expunge command and clear the cache.
Method expunge_message
Send IMAP expunge command and clear cache
Method expunge_message
Expunge message(s) and clear the cache.
Method extend_fieldmap
Extends fieldmap definition
Variable $fieldmap
rcube_ldap::$fieldmap in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $fields_arr
Variable $filename
rcube_message_part::$filename in rcube_storage.php
Variable $filter
rcube_ldap::$filter in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $first
rcube_result_set::$first in rcube_result_set.php
Variable $firstname
rcube_vcard::$firstname in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $flags
rcube_mail_header::$flags in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $flags
rcube_imap_generic::$flags in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $flags
rcube_imap_cache::$flags in rcube_imap_cache.php
List of known flags. Thanks to this we can handle flag changes with good performance. Bad thing is we need to know used flags.
Variable $folder
rcube_storage::$folder in rcube_storage.php
Variable $footer
rcube_html_page::$footer in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $framed
rcube_template::$framed in rcube_template.php
Variable $from
rcube_mail_header::$from in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method fetch
rcube_imap_generic::fetch() in rcube_imap_generic.php
FETCH command (RFC3501)
Method fetchHeader
rcube_imap_generic::fetchHeader() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method fetchHeaderIndex
rcube_imap_generic::fetchHeaderIndex() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method fetchHeaders
rcube_imap_generic::fetchHeaders() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method fetchMIMEHeaders
rcube_imap_generic::fetchMIMEHeaders() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method fetchPartHeader
rcube_imap_generic::fetchPartHeader() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method fetch_array
rcube_mdb2::fetch_array() in rcube_mdb2.php
Get an index array for one row If no query handle is specified, the last query will be taken as reference
Method fetch_assoc
rcube_mdb2::fetch_assoc() in rcube_mdb2.php
Get an associative array for one row If no query handle is specified, the last query will be taken as reference
Method fetch_headers
rcube_imap::fetch_headers() in rcube_imap.php
Fetches messages headers (by UID)
Method fetch_threads
rcube_imap::fetch_threads() in rcube_imap.php
Method for fetching threads data
Method fetch_thread_headers
protected method for fetching threaded messages headers
Method filter
rcube_result_index::filter() in rcube_result_index.php
Filters data set. Removes elements listed in $ids list.
Method filter
rcube_result_thread::filter() in rcube_result_thread.php
Filters data set. Removes threads not listed in $roots list.
Method filter
rcube_content_filter::filter() in rcube_content_filter.php
Method filter_rights
rcube_imap::filter_rights() in rcube_imap.php
Filter the given list of folders according to access rights
Method first
rcube_result_set::first() in rcube_result_set.php
Method first_html_part
Return the first HTML part of this message
Method first_text_part
Return the first text part of this message
Method flag
rcube_imap_generic::flag() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Sets flag of the message(s)
Method folder_attributes
Gets folder attributes (from LIST response, e.g. \Noselect, \Noinferiors).
Method folder_attributes
Gets folder attributes from LIST response, e.g. \Noselect, \Noinferiors
Method folder_data
rcube_imap::folder_data() in rcube_imap.php
Gets connection (and current folder) data: UIDVALIDITY, EXISTS, RECENT, PERMANENTFLAGS, UIDNEXT, UNSEEN
Method folder_data
rcube_storage::folder_data() in rcube_storage.php
Gets connection (and current folder) data: UIDVALIDITY, EXISTS, RECENT, PERMANENTFLAGS, UIDNEXT, UNSEEN
Method folder_exists
rcube_storage::folder_exists() in rcube_storage.php
Checks if folder exists and is subscribed
Method folder_exists
rcube_imap::folder_exists() in rcube_imap.php
Checks if folder exists and is subscribed
Method folder_info
rcube_storage::folder_info() in rcube_storage.php
Returns extended information about the folder.
Method folder_info
rcube_imap::folder_info() in rcube_imap.php
Returns extended information about the folder
Method folder_namespace
Returns the namespace where the folder is in
Method folder_namespace
Returns the namespace where the folder is in
Method folder_size
rcube_storage::folder_size() in rcube_storage.php
Get folder size (size of all messages in a folder)
Method folder_size
rcube_imap::folder_size() in rcube_imap.php
Get folder size (size of all messages in a folder)
Method folder_status
rcube_storage::folder_status() in rcube_storage.php
Returns current status of a folder
Method folder_status
rcube_imap::folder_status() in rcube_imap.php
Returns current status of folder
Method folder_sync
rcube_storage::folder_sync() in rcube_storage.php
Synchronizes messages cache.
Method folder_sync
rcube_imap::folder_sync() in rcube_imap.php
Synchronizes messages cache.
Function format_date
format_date() in main.inc
Convert the given date to a human readable form This uses the date formatting properties from config
Function format_email_recipient
Compose a valid representation of name and e-mail address
Method format_flowed
rcube_message::format_flowed() in rcube_message.php
Method format_flowed
rcube_mime::format_flowed() in rcube_mime.php
Wrap the given text to comply with RFC 2646
Method form_tag
rcube_template::form_tag() in rcube_template.php
Create a form tag with the necessary hidden fields
Method found
rcube_spellchecker::found() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Number of mispellings found (after check)
Method fromunixtime
rcube_mdb2::fromunixtime() in rcube_mdb2.php
Return SQL statement to convert from a unix timestamp
Variable $groups
rcube_ldap::$groups in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $groups
rcube_contacts::$groups in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $groups
rcube_addressbook::$groups in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $group_id
rcube_contacts::$group_id in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $group_id
rcube_ldap::$group_id in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $group_id
rcube_addressbook::$group_id in rcube_addressbook.php
Method gc
rcube_session::gc() in rcube_session.php
Execute registered garbage collector routines
Method get
rcube_result_index::get() in rcube_result_index.php
Return all messages in the result.
Method get
rcube_spellchecker::get() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Returns checking result (mispelled words with suggestions)
Method get
rcube_config::get() in rcube_config.php
Getter for a specific config parameter
Method get
rcube_cache::get() in rcube_cache.php
Returns cached value.
Method get
rcube_result_thread::get() in rcube_result_thread.php
Return IDs of all messages in the result. Threaded data will be flattened.
Method getACL
rcube_imap_generic::getACL() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the GETACL command (RFC4314)
Method getAnnotation
rcube_imap_generic::getAnnotation() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the GETANNOTATION command (draft-daboo-imap-annotatemore)
Method getCapability
rcube_imap_generic::getCapability() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Capabilities checker
Method getHierarchyDelimiter
Detects hierarchy delimiter
Method getMetadata
rcube_imap_generic::getMetadata() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the GETMETADATA command (RFC5464)
Method getNamespace
rcube_imap_generic::getNamespace() in rcube_imap_generic.php
NAMESPACE handler (RFC 2342)
Method getQuota
rcube_imap_generic::getQuota() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns QUOTA information
Method getStructure
rcube_imap_generic::getStructure() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns BODYSTRUCTURE for the specified message.
Method getStructurePartArray
Method getStructurePartData
Returns data of a message part according to specified structure.
Method gettext
rcube_plugin::gettext() in rcube_plugin.php
Wrapper for rcmail::gettext() adding the plugin ID as domain
Method gettext
rcmail::gettext() in rcmail.php
Get localized text in the desired language
Method get_acl
rcube_imap::get_acl() in rcube_imap.php
Returns the access control list for folder (GETACL)
Method get_acl
rcube_storage::get_acl() in rcube_storage.php
Returns the access control list for a folder (GETACL).
Method get_action_file
Returns current action filename
Method get_address_book
Return instance of the internal address book class
Method get_address_sources
Return address books list
Method get_assoc
rcube_vcard::get_assoc() in rcube_vcard.php
Return vCard data as associative array to be unsed in Roundcube address books
Method get_body
rcube_storage::get_body() in rcube_storage.php
Fetch message body of a specific message from the server
Function get_boolean
get_boolean() in rcube_shared.inc
Find out if the string content means TRUE or FALSE
Method get_cache
rcube_imap::get_cache() in rcube_imap.php
Returns cached value
Method get_cache
rcube_storage::get_cache() in rcube_storage.php
Returns cached value
Method get_cache
rcmail::get_cache() in rcmail.php
Initialize and get cache object
Method get_cache_engine
Getter for IMAP cache object
Method get_capability
Returns the IMAP server's capability.
Method get_capability
rcube_storage::get_capability() in rcube_storage.php
Returns the storage server's (IMAP) capability
Method get_charset
rcube_json_output::get_charset() in rcube_json_output.php
Get charset for output
Method get_charset
rcube_html_page::get_charset() in rcube_html_page.php
Getter for output charset
Method get_col_values
rcube_addressbook::get_col_values() in rcube_addressbook.php
Utility function to return all values of a certain data column either as flat list or grouped by subtype
Method get_compressed
rcube_result_index::get_compressed() in rcube_result_index.php
Return all messages in the result.
Method get_compressed
rcube_result_thread::get_compressed() in rcube_result_thread.php
Return all messages in the result.
Method get_crypto_key
rcube_config::get_crypto_key() in rcube_config.php
Return requested DES crypto key.
Method get_dbh
rcmail::get_dbh() in rcmail.php
Get the current database connection
Method get_element
rcube_result_thread::get_element() in rcube_result_thread.php
Return result element at specified index (all messages, not roots)
Method get_element
rcube_result_index::get_element() in rcube_result_index.php
Return result element at specified index
Method get_error
rcube_smtp::get_error() in rcube_smtp.php
Get error message
Method get_error
rcube_config::get_error() in rcube_config.php
Getter for error state
Method get_error
rcube_addressbook::get_error() in rcube_addressbook.php
Returns the last error occured (e.g. when updating/inserting failed)
Method get_error_code
rcube_storage::get_error_code() in rcube_storage.php
Returns code of last error
Method get_error_code
Returns code of last error
Method get_error_str
rcube_imap::get_error_str() in rcube_imap.php
Returns text of last error
Method get_error_str
rcube_storage::get_error_str() in rcube_storage.php
Returns message of last error
Method get_fetch_headers
Get message header names for rcube_imap_generic::fetchHeader(s)
Method get_folder
rcube_storage::get_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Returns the currently used folder name
Method get_folder_stats
Gets folder statistic data
Method get_group
rcube_contacts::get_group() in rcube_contacts.php
Get group properties such as name and email address(es)
Method get_group
rcube_ldap::get_group() in rcube_ldap.php
Get group properties such as name and email address(es)
Method get_group
rcube_addressbook::get_group() in rcube_addressbook.php
Get group properties such as name and email address(es)
Method get_header
rcube_message::get_header() in rcube_message.php
Return a (decoded) message header
Method get_hierarchy_delimiter
Returns the delimiter that is used by the server for folder hierarchy separation.
Method get_hierarchy_delimiter
Returns the delimiter that is used by the IMAP server for folder separation
Method get_identity
rcube_user::get_identity() in rcube_user.php
Get default identity of this user
Method get_index
rcube_imap_cache::get_index() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Return (sorted) messages index (UIDs).
Function get_input_value
get_input_value() in main.inc
Read input value and convert it for internal use Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary
Method get_instance
This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
Method get_instance
rcube_plugin_api::get_instance() in rcube_plugin_api.php
This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
Method get_ip
rcube_session::get_ip() in rcube_session.php
Getter for remote IP saved with this session
Method get_keep_alive
rcube_session::get_keep_alive() in rcube_session.php
Getter for keep_alive interval
Method get_mailbox_name
Method get_mailbox_size
Method get_mcache_engine
Getter for messages cache object
Method get_memcache
Get global handle for memcache access
Method get_message
rcube_storage::get_message() in rcube_storage.php
Fetch message headers and body structure from the server and build an object structure similar to the one generated by PEAR::Mail_mimeDecode
Method get_message
rcube_imap::get_message() in rcube_imap.php
Fetch message headers and body structure from the IMAP server and build an object structure similar to the one generated by PEAR::Mail_mimeDecode
Method get_message
rcube_imap_cache::get_message() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Returns message data.
Method get_messages
rcube_imap_cache::get_messages() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Returns list of messages (headers). See rcube_imap::fetch_headers().
Method get_message_headers
Return message headers object of a specific message
Method get_message_headers
Return message headers object of a specific message
Method get_message_part
Fetch message body of a specific message from the server
Method get_message_part
Fetch message body of a specific message from the server
Method get_metadata
rcube_storage::get_metadata() in rcube_storage.php
Returns folder metadata/annotations (GETMETADATA/GETANNOTATION).
Method get_metadata
rcube_imap::get_metadata() in rcube_imap.php
Returns IMAP metadata/annotations (GETMETADATA/GETANNOTATION)
Method get_name
rcube_ldap::get_name() in rcube_ldap.php
Returns address book name
Method get_name
rcube_contacts::get_name() in rcube_contacts.php
Returns addressbook name
Method get_name
rcube_addressbook::get_name() in rcube_addressbook.php
Returns addressbook name (e.g. for addressbooks listing)
Method get_namespace
rcube_storage::get_namespace() in rcube_storage.php
Get namespace
Method get_namespace
rcube_imap::get_namespace() in rcube_imap.php
Get namespace
Function get_offset_time
get_offset_time() in rcube_shared.inc
Create a unix timestamp with a specified offset from now
Function get_opt
get_opt() in clisetup.php
Parse commandline arguments into a hash array
Method get_page
rcube_storage::get_page() in rcube_storage.php
Gets internal list page number.
Method get_pagesize
rcube_storage::get_pagesize() in rcube_storage.php
Get internal page size
Method get_pagetitle
rcube_template::get_pagetitle() in rcube_template.php
Getter for the current page title
Method get_parameters
rcube_result_thread::get_parameters() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns response parameters e.g. MAILBOX, ORDER
Method get_parameters
rcube_result_index::get_parameters() in rcube_result_index.php
Returns response parameters, e.g. ESEARCH's MIN/MAX/COUNT/ALL/MODSEQ or internal data e.g. MAILBOX, ORDER
Method get_part_content
Get content of a specific part of this message
Method get_part_url
rcube_message::get_part_url() in rcube_message.php
Compose a valid URL for getting a message part
Method get_prefs
rcube_user::get_prefs() in rcube_user.php
Get the preferences saved for this user
Method get_quota
rcube_storage::get_quota() in rcube_storage.php
Get mailbox quota information.
Method get_quota
rcube_imap::get_quota() in rcube_imap.php
Get mailbox quota information added by Nuny
Method get_raw_body
rcube_storage::get_raw_body() in rcube_storage.php
Returns the whole message source as string (or saves to a file)
Method get_raw_body
rcube_imap::get_raw_body() in rcube_imap.php
Returns the whole message source as string (or saves to a file)
Method get_raw_headers
Returns the message headers as string
Method get_raw_headers
Returns the message headers as string
Method get_record
rcube_addressbook::get_record() in rcube_addressbook.php
Get a specific contact record
Method get_record
rcube_contacts::get_record() in rcube_contacts.php
Get a specific contact record
Method get_record
rcube_ldap::get_record() in rcube_ldap.php
Get a specific contact record
Method get_record_groups
Get group assignments of a specific contact record
Method get_record_groups
Get group assignments of a specific contact record
Method get_record_groups
Get group assignments of a specific contact record
Method get_replacement
rcube_string_replacer::get_replacement() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Build replacement string
Method get_request_token
Generate a unique token to be used in a form request
Method get_response
rcube_smtp::get_response() in rcube_smtp.php
Get server response messages array
Method get_response_code
Returns code of last command response
Method get_response_code
Returns code of last command response
Method get_result
rcube_addressbook::get_result() in rcube_addressbook.php
Return the last result set
Method get_result
rcube_contacts::get_result() in rcube_contacts.php
Return the last result set
Method get_result
rcube_ldap::get_result() in rcube_ldap.php
Return the last result set
Method get_row_attribs
Get row attributes
Method get_search
rcube_user::get_search() in rcube_user.php
Return saved search data.
Method get_search_set
rcube_storage::get_search_set() in rcube_storage.php
Return the saved search set.
Method get_search_set
Getter for saved search properties
Method get_search_set
Return the saved search set as hash array
Method get_search_set
rcube_contacts::get_search_set() in rcube_contacts.php
Getter for saved search properties
Method get_search_set
rcube_addressbook::get_search_set() in rcube_addressbook.php
Getter for saved search properties
Function get_sequence_name
Return correct name for a specific database sequence (used for Postgres only)
Method get_skin_path
rcube_template::get_skin_path() in rcube_template.php
Getter for the current skin path property
Method get_storage
rcmail::get_storage() in rcmail.php
Initialize and get storage object
Method get_suggestions
rcube_spellchecker::get_suggestions() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Returns suggestions for the specified word
Function get_table_name
get_table_name() in main.inc
Return correct name for a specific database table
Method get_thread
rcube_imap_cache::get_thread() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Return messages thread.
Method get_threading
rcube_storage::get_threading() in rcube_storage.php
Get current threading flag.
Method get_thread_data
rcube_result_thread::get_thread_data() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns thread depth and children data
Method get_timezone
rcube_config::get_timezone() in rcube_config.php
Special getter for user's timezone offset including DST
Method get_tree
rcube_result_thread::get_tree() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns data as tree
Method get_username
rcube_user::get_username() in rcube_user.php
Build a user name string (as e-mail address)
Method get_words
rcube_spellchecker::get_words() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Returns mispelled words
Method get_xml
rcube_spellchecker::get_xml() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Returns checking result in XML (Googiespell) format
Class Constant GOOGLE_HOST
rcube_spellchecker::GOOGLE_HOST in rcube_spellchecker.php
Class Constant GOOGLE_PORT
rcube_spellchecker::GOOGLE_PORT in rcube_spellchecker.php
Variable $handlers
rcube_plugin_api::$handlers in rcube_plugin_api.php
Variable $header
rcube_html_page::$header in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $headers
rcube_message::$headers in rcube_message.php
Variable $headers
rcube_message_part::$headers in rcube_storage.php
Variable $home
rcube_plugin::$home in rcube_plugin.php
Method handlePartBody
rcube_imap_generic::handlePartBody() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method has_html_part
rcube_message::has_html_part() in rcube_message.php
Determine if the message contains a HTML part
Method header_delimiter
Try to autodetect operating system and find the correct line endings
Class html
html in html.php
Class for HTML code creation
Page html.php
html.php in html.php
Class html_checkbox
html_checkbox in html.php
Class to create HTML checkboxes
Class html_hiddenfield
html_hiddenfield in html.php
Class to create an hidden HTML input field
Function html_identifier
html_identifier() in main.inc
Convert the given string into a valid HTML identifier
Class html_inputfield
html_inputfield in html.php
Class to create an HTML input field
Class html_passwordfield
html_passwordfield in html.php
Class to create an HTML password field
Class html_radiobutton
html_radiobutton in html.php
Class to create HTML radio buttons
Class html_select
html_select in html.php
Builder for HTML drop-down menus
Class html_table
html_table in html.php
Class to build an HTML table
Class html_textarea
html_textarea in html.php
Class to create an HTML textarea
Variable $icache
rcube_imap::$icache in rcube_imap.php
Internal (in-memory) cache
Variable $ID
rcube_plugin::$ID in rcube_plugin.php
Class name of the plugin instance
Variable $ID
rcube_user::$ID in rcube_user.php
Variable $id
rcube_mail_header::$id in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $internaldate
rcube_mail_header::$internaldate in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $in_reply_to
rcube_mail_header::$in_reply_to in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $is_safe
rcube_message::$is_safe in rcube_message.php
Method id
rcube_imap_generic::id() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes ID command (RFC2971)
Method id2uid
rcube_imap::id2uid() in rcube_imap.php
Find UID of the specified message sequence ID
Method ID2UID
rcube_imap_generic::ID2UID() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns message unique identifier (UID)
Function idn_to_ascii
idn_to_ascii() in rcube_shared.inc
Function idn_to_utf8
idn_to_utf8() in rcube_shared.inc
intl replacement functions
Method iframe
html::iframe() in html.php
Derrived method to create <iframe></iframe>
Class iilBasicHeader
iilBasicHeader in rcube_imap_generic.php
Struct representing an e-mail message header
Method ilike
rcube_mdb2::ilike() in rcube_mdb2.php
Return SQL statement for case insensitive LIKE
Method imap_connect
Connect to the IMAP server with stored session data.
Method imap_init
rcmail::imap_init() in rcmail.php
Initialize IMAP object.
Method img
html::img() in html.php
Derrived method to create <img />
Method import
rcube_vcard::import() in rcube_vcard.php
Factory method to import a vcard file
Method include_css
rcube_html_page::include_css() in rcube_html_page.php
Link an external css file
Method include_script
rcube_plugin::include_script() in rcube_plugin.php
Make this javascipt file available on the client
Method include_script
rcube_html_page::include_script() in rcube_html_page.php
Link an external script file
Method include_script
rcube_plugin_api::include_script() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Include a plugin script file in the current HTML page
Method include_stylesheet
Include a plugin stylesheet in the current HTML page
Method include_stylesheet
Make this stylesheet available on the client
Method index
rcube_imap::index() in rcube_imap.php
Return sorted list of message UIDs
Method index
rcube_imap_generic::index() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Simulates SORT command by using FETCH and sorting.
Method index
rcube_storage::index() in rcube_storage.php
Return sorted list of message UIDs
Method index_direct
rcube_imap::index_direct() in rcube_imap.php
Return sorted list of message UIDs ignoring current search settings.
Page iniset.php
iniset.php in iniset.php
Method init
rcube_plugin::init() in rcube_plugin.php
Initialization method, needs to be implemented by the plugin itself
Method init
rcube_result_thread::init() in rcube_result_thread.php
Initializes object with IMAP command response
Method init
rcube_result_index::init() in rcube_result_index.php
Initializes object with SORT command response
Method init
rcube_plugin_api::init() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Load and init all enabled plugins
Method insert
rcube_ldap::insert() in rcube_ldap.php
Create a new contact record
Method insert
rcube_addressbook::insert() in rcube_addressbook.php
Create a new contact record
Method insert
rcube_contacts::insert() in rcube_contacts.php
Create a new contact record
Method insertMultiple
rcube_addressbook::insertMultiple() in rcube_addressbook.php
Create new contact records for every item in the record set
Method insert_id
rcube_mdb2::insert_id() in rcube_mdb2.php
Get last inserted record ID For Postgres databases, a sequence name is required
Method insert_identity
Create a new identity record linked with this user
Method insert_search
rcube_user::insert_search() in rcube_user.php
Create a new saved search record linked with this user
INSTALL_PATH in iniset.php
Method intersect
rcube_result_index::intersect() in rcube_result_index.php
Filters data set. Removes elements not listed in $ids list.
Class Constant INUSE
rcube_storage::INUSE in rcube_storage.php
Function in_array_nocase
in_array_nocase() in rcube_shared.inc
Similar function as in_array() but case-insensitive
Method is_connected
rcube_mdb2::is_connected() in rcube_mdb2.php
Connection state checker
Method is_connected
rcube_imap::is_connected() in rcube_imap.php
Checks IMAP connection.
Method is_connected
rcube_storage::is_connected() in rcube_storage.php
Checks connection state.
Method is_empty
rcube_result_index::is_empty() in rcube_result_index.php
Checks if the result is empty
Method is_empty
rcube_result_thread::is_empty() in rcube_result_thread.php
Checks if the result is empty
Method is_error
rcube_mdb2::is_error() in rcube_mdb2.php
Getter for error state
Method is_error
rcube_result_thread::is_error() in rcube_result_thread.php
Checks the result from IMAP command
Method is_error
rcube_result_index::is_error() in rcube_result_index.php
Checks the result from IMAP command
Method is_exception
rcube_spellchecker::is_exception() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Check if the specified word is an exception accoring to spellcheck options.
Method is_plugin_task
rcube_plugin_api::is_plugin_task() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Checks whether the given task is registered by a plugin
Method is_processing
rcube_plugin_api::is_processing() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Check if a plugin hook is currently processing.
Method is_replicated
rcube_mdb2::is_replicated() in rcube_mdb2.php
Is database replication configured?
Method iterate
rcube_result_set::iterate() in rcube_result_set.php
Function JQ
JQ() in main.inc
Quote a given string for javascript output.
Method json_init
rcmail::json_init() in rcmail.php
Create an output object for JSON responses
Function json_serialize
json_serialize() in main.inc
Convert a variable into a javascript object notation
JS_OBJECT_NAME in iniset.php
Method just_parse
rcube_template::just_parse() in rcube_template.php
Public wrapper to dipp into template parsing.
Method kill
rcube_session::kill() in rcube_session.php
Kill this session
Method kill_session
Destroy session data and remove cookie
Variable $language
rcube_user::$language in rcube_user.php
Variable $lc_tags
html::$lc_tags in html.php
Variable $ldap_result
rcube_ldap::$ldap_result in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $link_pattern
rcube_string_replacer::$link_pattern in rcube_string_replacer.php
Variable $list_page
rcube_addressbook::$list_page in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $list_page
rcube_contacts::$list_page in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $list_page
rcube_imap::$list_page in rcube_imap.php
Method label
html::label() in html.php
Derrived method for form element labels
Method ldap_add
rcube_ldap::ldap_add() in rcube_ldap.php
Wrapper for ldap_add()
Method ldap_delete
rcube_ldap::ldap_delete() in rcube_ldap.php
Wrapper for ldap_delete()
Method ldap_list
rcube_ldap::ldap_list() in rcube_ldap.php
Wrapper for ldap_list()
Method ldap_mod_add
rcube_ldap::ldap_mod_add() in rcube_ldap.php
Wrapper for ldap_mod_add()
Method ldap_mod_del
rcube_ldap::ldap_mod_del() in rcube_ldap.php
Wrapper for ldap_mod_del()
Method ldap_mod_replace
Wrapper for ldap_mod_replace()
Method ldap_rename
rcube_ldap::ldap_rename() in rcube_ldap.php
Wrapper for ldap_rename()
Method length
rcube_result_index::length() in rcube_result_index.php
Returns length of internal data representation
Method limitquery
rcube_mdb2::limitquery() in rcube_mdb2.php
Execute a SQL query with limits
Method link_callback
rcube_string_replacer::link_callback() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Callback function used to build HTML links around URL strings
Method listMailboxes
rcube_imap_generic::listMailboxes() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns list of mailboxes
Method listRights
rcube_imap_generic::listRights() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the LISTRIGHTS command (RFC4314)
Method listSubscribed
rcube_imap_generic::listSubscribed() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns list of subscribed mailboxes
Method list_cols
rcube_mdb2::list_cols() in rcube_mdb2.php
Wrapper for SHOW COLUMNS command
Method list_folders
rcube_imap::list_folders() in rcube_imap.php
Get a list of all folders available on the server
Method list_folders
rcube_storage::list_folders() in rcube_storage.php
Get a list of all folders available on the server.
Method list_folders_direct
Method for direct folders listing (LIST)
Method list_folders_subscribed
Public method for listing subscribed folders.
Method list_folders_subscribed
Get a list of subscribed folders.
Method list_folders_subscribed_direct
Method for direct folders listing (LSUB)
Method list_groups
rcube_ldap::list_groups() in rcube_ldap.php
List all active contact groups of this source
Method list_groups
rcube_contacts::list_groups() in rcube_contacts.php
List all active contact groups of this source
Method list_groups
rcube_addressbook::list_groups() in rcube_addressbook.php
List all active contact groups of this source
Method list_group_members
Get all members of the given group
Method list_headers
rcube_imap::list_headers() in rcube_imap.php
Method list_identities
Return a list of all identities linked with this user
Method list_languages
Read directory program/localization and return a list of available languages
Method list_mailboxes
Method list_messages
rcube_storage::list_messages() in rcube_storage.php
Public method for listing headers.
Method list_messages
rcube_imap::list_messages() in rcube_imap.php
Public method for listing headers
Method list_records
rcube_addressbook::list_records() in rcube_addressbook.php
List the current set of contact records
Method list_records
rcube_contacts::list_records() in rcube_contacts.php
List the current set of contact records
Method list_records
rcube_ldap::list_records() in rcube_ldap.php
List the current set of contact records
Method list_rights
rcube_storage::list_rights() in rcube_storage.php
Returns information about what rights can be granted to the user (identifier) in the ACL for the folder (LISTRIGHTS).
Method list_rights
rcube_imap::list_rights() in rcube_imap.php
Returns information about what rights can be granted to the user (identifier) in the ACL for the folder (LISTRIGHTS)
Method list_searches
rcube_user::list_searches() in rcube_user.php
Return a list of saved searches linked with this user
Method list_search_messages
protected method for listing a set of message headers (search results)
Method list_search_thread_messages
protected method for listing a set of threaded message headers (search results)
Method list_tables
rcube_mdb2::list_tables() in rcube_mdb2.php
Wrapper for the SHOW TABLES command
Method list_thread_messages
protected method for listing message headers using threads
Method list_unsubscribed
Method load
rcube_vcard::load() in rcube_vcard.php
Load record from (internal, unfolded) vcard 3.0 format
Method loaded_plugins
rcube_plugin_api::loaded_plugins() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Returns list of loaded plugins names
Method load_config
rcube_plugin::load_config() in rcube_plugin.php
Load local config file from plugins directory.
Method load_from_file
rcube_config::load_from_file() in rcube_config.php
Read configuration from a file and merge with the already stored config values
Method load_gui
rcmail::load_gui() in rcmail.php
Init output object for GUI and add common scripts.
Method load_language
Load a localization package
Method load_plugin
rcube_plugin_api::load_plugin() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Load the specified plugin
Method local_skin_path
Provide path to the currently selected skin folder within the plugin directory with a fallback to the default skin folder.
Method log
rcube_session::log() in rcube_session.php
Method login
rcube_imap_generic::login() in rcube_imap_generic.php
LOGIN Authentication
Method login
rcmail::login() in rcmail.php
Perfom login to the mail server and to the webmail service.
Method logout_actions
Do server side actions on logout
Variable $mailbox
rcube_result_index::$mailbox in rcube_result_index.php
Variable $mailbox
rcube_result_thread::$mailbox in rcube_result_thread.php
Variable $mailto_pattern
rcube_string_replacer::$mailto_pattern in rcube_string_replacer.php
Variable $mail_domain
rcube_ldap::$mail_domain in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $main_tasks
rcmail::$main_tasks in rcmail.php
Main tasks.
Variable $mcache
rcube_imap::$mcache in rcube_imap.php
Instance of rcube_imap_cache
Variable $mdn_to
rcube_mail_header::$mdn_to in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $memcache
rcmail::$memcache in rcmail.php
Instace of Memcache class.
Variable $messageID
rcube_mail_header::$messageID in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $messages_caching
Variable $meta
rcube_result_index::$meta in rcube_result_index.php
Variable $meta
rcube_result_thread::$meta in rcube_result_thread.php
Variable $middlename
rcube_vcard::$middlename in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $mimetype
rcube_message_part::$mimetype in rcube_storage.php
Variable $mime_id
rcube_message_part::$mime_id in rcube_storage.php
Variable $mime_parts
rcube_message::$mime_parts in rcube_message.php
Variable $msg_headers
rcube_imap::$msg_headers in rcube_imap.php
Method mailbox_attributes
Method mailbox_data
rcube_imap::mailbox_data() in rcube_imap.php
Method mailbox_exists
Method mailbox_info
rcube_imap::mailbox_info() in rcube_imap.php
Method mailbox_namespace
Method mailbox_status
Method mailbox_sync
rcube_imap::mailbox_sync() in rcube_imap.php
Method mailto_callback
rcube_string_replacer::mailto_callback() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Callback function used to build mailto: links around e-mail strings
Method mail_domain
rcube_config::mail_domain() in rcube_config.php
Return the mail domain configured for the given host
Page main.inc
main.inc in main.inc
Method max
rcube_result_index::max() in rcube_result_index.php
Returns maximal message identifier in the result
Method max
rcube_result_thread::max() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns maximum message identifier in the result
rcube_spellchecker::MAX_SUGGESTIONS in rcube_spellchecker.php
Function mb_strlen
mb_strlen() in rcube_shared.inc
mbstring replacement functions
Function mb_strpos
mb_strpos() in rcube_shared.inc
Function mb_strrpos
mb_strrpos() in rcube_shared.inc
Function mb_strtolower
mb_strtolower() in rcube_shared.inc
Function mb_strtoupper
mb_strtoupper() in rcube_shared.inc
Function mb_substr
mb_substr() in rcube_shared.inc
Method mc_destroy
rcube_session::mc_destroy() in rcube_session.php
Handler for session_destroy() with memcache backend
Method mc_read
rcube_session::mc_read() in rcube_session.php
Read session data from memcache
Method mc_write
rcube_session::mc_write() in rcube_session.php
Save session data.
Method md2annotate
rcube_imap::md2annotate() in rcube_imap.php
Converts the METADATA extension entry name into the correct entry-attrib names for older ANNOTATEMORE version.
Method memcache_failure
Callback for memcache failure
Method merge
rcube_config::merge() in rcube_config.php
Override config options with the given values (eg. user prefs)
Method messagecount
rcube_imap::messagecount() in rcube_imap.php
protected method for getting nr of messages
Method message_index
rcube_imap::message_index() in rcube_imap.php
Method message_index_direct
Method mime_decode
rcube_imap::mime_decode() in rcube_imap.php
Method min
rcube_result_thread::min() in rcube_result_thread.php
Returns minimum message identifier in the result
Method min
rcube_result_index::min() in rcube_result_index.php
Returns minimal message identifier in the result
Method mod_folder
rcube_storage::mod_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Modify folder name according to namespace.
Method mod_folder
rcube_imap::mod_folder() in rcube_imap.php
Modify folder name according to namespace.
Method mod_mailbox
rcube_imap::mod_mailbox() in rcube_imap.php
Method move
rcube_imap_generic::move() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Moves message(s) from one folder to another.
Method move_message
rcube_imap::move_message() in rcube_imap.php
Move a message from one folder to another
Method move_message
rcube_storage::move_message() in rcube_storage.php
Move message(s) from one folder to another.
Method multLine
rcube_imap_generic::multLine() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Reads more data from the connection stream when provided data contain string literal
Method myRights
rcube_imap_generic::myRights() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the MYRIGHTS command (RFC4314)
Method my_rights
rcube_imap::my_rights() in rcube_imap.php
Returns the set of rights that the current user has to folder (MYRIGHTS)
Method my_rights
rcube_storage::my_rights() in rcube_storage.php
Returns the set of rights that the current user has to a folder (MYRIGHTS).
Variable $name
rcube_contacts::$name in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $namespace
rcube_imap::$namespace in rcube_imap.php
Variable $nickname
rcube_vcard::$nickname in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $noajax
rcube_plugin::$noajax in rcube_plugin.php
Disables plugin in AJAX requests
Variable $noframe
rcube_plugin::$noframe in rcube_plugin.php
Disables plugin in framed mode
Variable $notes
rcube_vcard::$notes in rcube_vcard.php
Method next
rcube_result_set::next() in rcube_result_set.php
Method nextTag
rcube_imap_generic::nextTag() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Creates next command identifier (tag)
Class Constant NONEXISTENT
rcube_storage::NONEXISTENT in rcube_storage.php
Class Constant NOPERM
rcube_storage::NOPERM in rcube_storage.php
Method normalize_string
rcube_addressbook::normalize_string() in rcube_addressbook.php
Normalize the given string for fulltext search.
Method now
rcube_mdb2::now() in rcube_mdb2.php
Return SQL function for current time and date
Method num_rows
rcube_mdb2::num_rows() in rcube_mdb2.php
Get number of rows for a SQL query If no query handle is specified, the last query will be taken as reference
Variable $options
Variable $options
rcube_storage::$options in rcube_storage.php
Variable $options
rcube_imap::$options in rcube_imap.php
Variable $order
rcube_result_index::$order in rcube_result_index.php
Variable $order
rcube_result_thread::$order in rcube_result_thread.php
Variable $organization
rcube_vcard::$organization in rcube_vcard.php
Variable $others
rcube_mail_header::$others in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $output
rcube_plugin_api::$output in rcube_plugin_api.php
Variable $output
rcmail::$output in rcmail.php
Instance of rcube_template class.
Method onCreate
rcube_content_filter::onCreate() in rcube_content_filter.php
Method open
rcube_session::open() in rcube_session.php
Class Constant OVERQUOTA
rcube_storage::OVERQUOTA in rcube_storage.php
Variable $page_size
rcube_contacts::$page_size in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $page_size
rcube_storage::$page_size in rcube_storage.php
Variable $page_size
rcube_addressbook::$page_size in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $params
rcube_result_index::$params in rcube_result_index.php
Variable $parts
rcube_message::$parts in rcube_message.php
Variable $pattern
rcube_string_replacer::$pattern in rcube_string_replacer.php
Variable $plugins
rcmail::$plugins in rcmail.php
Instance of rcube_plugin_api.
Variable $primary_key
rcube_contacts::$primary_key in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $primary_key
rcube_ldap::$primary_key in rcube_ldap.php
public properties
Variable $primary_key
rcube_addressbook::$primary_key in rcube_addressbook.php
public properties (mandatory)
Variable $priority
rcube_mail_header::$priority in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $prop
rcube_ldap::$prop in rcube_ldap.php
Method p
html::p() in html.php
Derrived method for <p> blocks
Method parse
rcube_template::parse() in rcube_template.php
Parse a specific skin template and deliver to stdout (or return)
Method parse
rcube_charset::parse() in rcube_charset.php
Parse and validate charset name string (see #1485758).
Method parseResult
rcube_imap_generic::parseResult() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Response parser.
Function parse_attrib_string
Convert a HTML attribute string attributes to an associative array (name => value)
Function parse_bytes
parse_bytes() in rcube_shared.inc
Parse a human readable string for a number of bytes
Method parse_headers
rcube_mime::parse_headers() in rcube_mime.php
Split RFC822 header string into an associative array
Function parse_input_value
Parse/validate input value. See get_input_value() Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary
Method parse_message
rcube_mime::parse_message() in rcube_mime.php
Parse the given raw message source and return a structure of rcube_message_part objects.
Method parse_thread
rcube_result_thread::parse_thread() in rcube_result_thread.php
IMAP THREAD response parser
Method parse_uids
rcube_storage::parse_uids() in rcube_storage.php
Parse message UIDs input
Method parse_url_brackets
rcube_string_replacer::parse_url_brackets() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Fixes bracket characters in URL handling
PATH_SEPARATOR in iniset.php
Method print_raw_body
rcube_storage::print_raw_body() in rcube_storage.php
Sends the whole message source to stdout
Method print_raw_body
Sends the whole message source to stdout
Function prompt_silent
prompt_silent() in clisetup.php
from http://blogs.sitepoint.com/2009/05/01/interactive-cli-password-prompt-in-php/
Method props
rcube_image::props() in rcube_image.php
Get image properties.
Method putLine
rcube_imap_generic::putLine() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send simple (one line) command to the connection stream
Method putLineC
rcube_imap_generic::putLineC() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send command to the connection stream with Command Continuation Requests (RFC3501 7.5) and LITERAL+ (RFC2088) support
Function Q
Q() in main.inc
Quote a given string.
Method query
rcube_mdb2::query() in rcube_mdb2.php
Execute a SQL query
Method query
rcube_user::query() in rcube_user.php
Find a user record matching the given name and host
Method quote
rcube_mdb2::quote() in rcube_mdb2.php
Formats input so it can be safely used in a query
Method quoteIdentifier
Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name
Method quote_identifier
Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name
Variable $raw_data
rcube_result_thread::$raw_data in rcube_result_thread.php
Variable $raw_data
rcube_result_index::$raw_data in rcube_result_index.php
Variable $readonly
rcube_addressbook::$readonly in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $readonly
rcube_contacts::$readonly in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $readonly
rcube_ldap::$readonly in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $ready
rcube_contacts::$ready in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $ready
rcube_addressbook::$ready in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $ready
rcube_ldap::$ready in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $records
rcube_result_set::$records in rcube_result_set.php
Variable $references
rcube_mail_header::$references in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $replyto
rcube_mail_header::$replyto in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $result
rcube_imap_generic::$result in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $result
rcube_ldap::$result in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $resultcode
rcube_imap_generic::$resultcode in rcube_imap_generic.php
Function raise_error
raise_error() in main.inc
Throw system error and show error page
Class rcmail
rcmail in rcmail.php
Application class of Roundcube Webmail implemented as singleton
Page rcmail.php
rcmail.php in rcmail.php
RCMAIL_CHARSET in iniset.php
RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR in iniset.php
Function rcmail_deliver_message
Send the given message using the configured method
Function rcmail_display_server_error
Outputs error message according to server error/response codes
Function rcmail_filetype2classname
Generate CSS classes from mimetype and filename extension
Function rcmail_gen_message_id
Function rcmail_get_edit_field
Create an edit field for inclusion on a form
Function rcmail_localize_foldername
Try to localize the given IMAP folder name.
Function rcmail_localize_folderpath
Function rcmail_log_login
rcmail_log_login() in main.inc
Write login data (name, ID, IP address) to the 'userlogins' log file.
Function rcmail_mailbox_list
Return the mailboxlist in HTML
Function rcmail_mailbox_select
Return the mailboxlist as html_select object
Function rcmail_mem_check
rcmail_mem_check() in main.inc
Check if we can process not exceeding memory_limit
Function rcmail_mod_css_styles
Replace all css definitions with #container [def] and remove css-inlined scripting
Function rcmail_overwrite_action
Overwrite action variable
Function rcmail_quota_content
Function rcmail_quota_display
Function rcmail_remote_ip
rcmail_remote_ip() in main.inc
Returns remote IP address and forwarded addresses if found
Function rcmail_replace_emoticons
Replaces TinyMCE's emoticon images with plain-text representation
RCMAIL_START in iniset.php
Function rcmail_temp_gc
rcmail_temp_gc() in main.inc
Garbage collector function for temp files.
Function rcmail_url
rcmail_url() in main.inc
Compose an URL for a specific action
Function rcmail_user_date
rcmail_user_date() in main.inc
RCMAIL_VERSION in iniset.php
Function rcmail_xss_entity_decode
Decode escaped entities used by known XSS exploits.
Function rcmail_xss_entity_decode_callback
preg_replace_callback callback for rcmail_xss_entity_decode_callback
Class rcube_addressbook
rcube_addressbook in rcube_addressbook.php
Abstract skeleton of an address book/repository
Page rcube_addressbook.php
rcube_addressbook.php in rcube_addressbook.php
Function rcube_autocomplete_init
Initializes client-side autocompletion
Function rcube_autoload
rcube_autoload() in iniset.php
Use PHP5 autoload for dynamic class loading
Class rcube_base_replacer
Helper class to turn relative urls into absolute ones
Class rcube_browser
rcube_browser in rcube_browser.php
Page rcube_browser.php
rcube_browser.php in rcube_browser.php
Class rcube_cache
rcube_cache in rcube_cache.php
Interface class for accessing Roundcube cache
Page rcube_cache.php
rcube_cache.php in rcube_cache.php
Class rcube_charset
rcube_charset in rcube_charset.php
Character sets conversion functionality
Page rcube_charset.php
rcube_charset.php in rcube_charset.php
Function rcube_charset_convert
Function rcube_check_referer
Check whether the HTTP referer matches the current request
Class rcube_config
rcube_config in rcube_config.php
Configuration class for Roundcube
Page rcube_config.php
rcube_config.php in rcube_config.php
Class rcube_contacts
rcube_contacts in rcube_contacts.php
Model class for the local address book database
Page rcube_contacts.php
rcube_contacts.php in rcube_contacts.php
Class rcube_content_filter
rcube_content_filter in rcube_content_filter.php
PHP stream filter to detect html/javascript code in attachments
Page rcube_content_filter.php
rcube_content_filter.php in rcube_content_filter.php
Function rcube_explode_quoted_string
rcube_explode_quoted_string() in rcube_shared.inc
Explode quoted string
Function rcube_fontdefs
rcube_fontdefs() in main.inc
Class rcube_header_sorter
rcube_header_sorter in rcube_storage.php
Class for sorting an array of rcube_mail_header objects in a predetermined order.
Function rcube_html_editor
Output HTML editor scripts
Class rcube_html_page
rcube_html_page in rcube_html_page.php
Class for HTML page creation
Page rcube_html_page.php
rcube_html_page.php in rcube_html_page.php
Function rcube_https_check
Check if working in SSL mode
Function rcube_idn_convert
Function rcube_idn_to_ascii
Function rcube_idn_to_utf8
Class rcube_image
rcube_image in rcube_image.php
Page rcube_image.php
rcube_image.php in rcube_image.php
Class rcube_imap
rcube_imap in rcube_imap.php
Interface class for accessing an IMAP server
Page rcube_imap.php
rcube_imap.php in rcube_imap.php
Class rcube_imap_cache
rcube_imap_cache in rcube_imap_cache.php
Interface class for accessing Roundcube messages cache
Page rcube_imap_cache.php
rcube_imap_cache.php in rcube_imap_cache.php
Class rcube_imap_generic
rcube_imap_generic in rcube_imap_generic.php
PHP based wrapper class to connect to an IMAP server
Page rcube_imap_generic.php
rcube_imap_generic.php in rcube_imap_generic.php
RCUBE_INPUT_GET in main.inc
RCUBE_INPUT_GPC in main.inc
RCUBE_INPUT_POST in main.inc
Class rcube_json_output
rcube_json_output in rcube_json_output.php
View class to produce JSON responses
Page rcube_json_output.php
rcube_json_output.php in rcube_json_output.php
Function rcube_label
rcube_label() in main.inc
Get localized text in the desired language It's a global wrapper for rcmail::gettext()
Function rcube_label_exists
Global wrapper of rcmail::text_exists() to check whether a text label is defined
Class rcube_ldap
rcube_ldap in rcube_ldap.php
Model class to access an LDAP address directory
Page rcube_ldap.php
rcube_ldap.php in rcube_ldap.php
Function rcube_log_bug
rcube_log_bug() in main.inc
Report error according to configured debug_level
Class rcube_mail_header
rcube_mail_header in rcube_imap_generic.php
Struct representing an e-mail message header
Class rcube_mdb2
rcube_mdb2 in rcube_mdb2.php
Database independent query interface
Page rcube_mdb2.php
rcube_mdb2.php in rcube_mdb2.php
Class rcube_message
rcube_message in rcube_message.php
Logical representation of a mail message with all its data and related functions
Page rcube_message.php
rcube_message.php in rcube_message.php
Class rcube_message_part
rcube_message_part in rcube_storage.php
Class representing a message part
Class rcube_mime
rcube_mime in rcube_mime.php
Class for parsing MIME messages
Page rcube_mime.php
rcube_mime.php in rcube_mime.php
Function rcube_parse_host
rcube_parse_host() in main.inc
Replaces hostname variables
Function rcube_pear_error
rcube_pear_error() in iniset.php
Local callback function for PEAR errors
Class rcube_plugin
rcube_plugin in rcube_plugin.php
Plugin interface class
Page rcube_plugin.php
rcube_plugin.php in rcube_plugin.php
Class rcube_plugin_api
rcube_plugin_api in rcube_plugin_api.php
The plugin loader and global API
Page rcube_plugin_api.php
rcube_plugin_api.php in rcube_plugin_api.php
Class rcube_result_index
rcube_result_index in rcube_result_index.php
Class for accessing IMAP's SORT/SEARCH/ESEARCH result
Page rcube_result_index.php
rcube_result_index.php in rcube_result_index.php
Class rcube_result_set
rcube_result_set in rcube_result_set.php
Roundcube result set class.
Page rcube_result_set.php
rcube_result_set.php in rcube_result_set.php
Class rcube_result_thread
rcube_result_thread in rcube_result_thread.php
Class for accessing IMAP's THREAD result
Page rcube_result_thread.php
rcube_result_thread.php in rcube_result_thread.php
Class rcube_session
rcube_session in rcube_session.php
Class to provide database supported session storage
Page rcube_session.php
rcube_session.php in rcube_session.php
Function rcube_sess_unset
rcube_sess_unset() in main.inc
For backward compatibility.
Page rcube_shared.inc
rcube_shared.inc in rcube_shared.inc
Class rcube_smtp
rcube_smtp in rcube_smtp.php
Class to provide SMTP functionality using PEAR Net_SMTP
Page rcube_smtp.php
rcube_smtp.php in rcube_smtp.php
Class rcube_spellchecker
rcube_spellchecker in rcube_spellchecker.php
Helper class for spellchecking with Googielspell and PSpell support.
Page rcube_spellchecker.php
rcube_spellchecker.php in rcube_spellchecker.php
Page rcube_sqlite.inc
rcube_sqlite.inc in rcube_sqlite.inc
Function rcube_sqlite_debug
rcube_sqlite_debug() in rcube_sqlite.inc
Function rcube_sqlite_from_unixtime
rcube_sqlite_from_unixtime() in rcube_sqlite.inc
Callback functions for sqlite database interface
Function rcube_sqlite_md5
rcube_sqlite_md5() in rcube_sqlite.inc
Function rcube_sqlite_now
rcube_sqlite_now() in rcube_sqlite.inc
Function rcube_sqlite_unix_timestamp
rcube_sqlite_unix_timestamp() in rcube_sqlite.inc
Class rcube_storage
rcube_storage in rcube_storage.php
Abstract class for accessing mail messages storage server
Page rcube_storage.php
rcube_storage.php in rcube_storage.php
Class rcube_string_replacer
rcube_string_replacer in rcube_string_replacer.php
Helper class for string replacements based on preg_replace_callback
Page rcube_string_replacer.php
rcube_string_replacer.php in rcube_string_replacer.php
Function rcube_strtotime
rcube_strtotime() in main.inc
Improved equivalent to strtotime()
Function rcube_table_output
Create a HTML table based on the given data
Class rcube_template
rcube_template in rcube_template.php
Class to create HTML page output using a skin template
Page rcube_template.php
rcube_template.php in rcube_template.php
Function rcube_upload_init
Function rcube_upload_progress
Class rcube_user
rcube_user in rcube_user.php
Class representing a system user
Page rcube_user.php
rcube_user.php in rcube_user.php
Class rcube_vcard
rcube_vcard in rcube_vcard.php
Logical representation of a vcard-based address record Provides functions to parse and export vCard data format
Page rcube_vcard.php
rcube_vcard.php in rcube_vcard.php
Function rc_detect_encoding
Function rc_image_content_type
rc_image_content_type() in rcube_shared.inc
Detect image type of the given binary data by checking magic numbers
Function rc_mime_content_type
rc_mime_content_type() in rcube_shared.inc
A method to guess the mime_type of an attachment.
Function rc_request_header
rc_request_header() in rcube_shared.inc
Read a specific HTTP request header
Function rc_utf8_clean
rc_utf8_clean() in main.inc
Function rc_wordwrap
rc_wordwrap() in rcube_shared.inc
Wrapper function for wordwrap
Method read
rcube_cache::read() in rcube_cache.php
Returns cached value without storing it in internal memory.
Method readBytes
rcube_imap_generic::readBytes() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Reads specified number of bytes from the connection stream
Method readLine
rcube_imap_generic::readLine() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Reads line from the connection stream
Class Constant READONLY
rcube_storage::READONLY in rcube_storage.php
Method readReply
rcube_imap_generic::readReply() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Reads complete response to the IMAP command
Method redirect
rcube_template::redirect() in rcube_template.php
Redirect to a certain url
Method redirect
rcube_json_output::redirect() in rcube_json_output.php
Redirect to a certain url
Method refresh_search
Refresh saved search set
Method refresh_search
rcube_addressbook::refresh_search() in rcube_addressbook.php
Refresh saved search set after data has changed
Method refresh_search
rcube_storage::refresh_search() in rcube_storage.php
Refresh saved search set
Method regenerate_id
rcube_session::regenerate_id() in rcube_session.php
Generate and set new session id
Method register_action
rcube_plugin_api::register_action() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Let a plugin register a handler for a specific request
Method register_action
Register a handler for a specific client-request action
Method register_action_map
Registers action aliases for current task
Method register_gc_handler
Register additional garbage collector functions
Method register_handler
Register a handler function for a template object
Method register_handler
rcube_plugin_api::register_handler() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Register a handler function for template objects
Method register_hook
rcube_plugin_api::register_hook() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Allows a plugin object to register a callback for a certain hook
Method register_task
rcube_plugin::register_task() in rcube_plugin.php
Register this plugin to be responsible for a specific task
Method register_task
rcube_plugin_api::register_task() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Register this plugin to be responsible for a specific task
Method reload
rcube_session::reload() in rcube_session.php
Re-read session data from storage backend
Method remote_response
rcube_json_output::remote_response() in rcube_json_output.php
Send an AJAX response with executable JS code
Method remove
rcube_session::remove() in rcube_session.php
Unset a session variable
Method remove
rcube_cache::remove() in rcube_cache.php
Clears the cache.
Method remove_body
Remove table body (all rows)
Method remove_column
Remove a column from a table Useful for plugins making alterations
Method remove_from_group
Remove the given contact records from a certain group
Method remove_from_group
Remove the given contact records from a certain group
Method remove_from_group
Remove the given contact records from a certain group
Method remove_hook
rcube_plugin::remove_hook() in rcube_plugin.php
Unregister a callback function for a specific (server-side) hook.
Method remove_index
rcube_imap_cache::remove_index() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Clears index cache.
Method remove_message
rcube_imap_cache::remove_message() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Removes message(s) from cache.
Method remove_thread
rcube_imap_cache::remove_thread() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Clears thread cache.
Method remove_word
rcube_spellchecker::remove_word() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Remove a word from dictionary
Method renameFolder
rcube_imap_generic::renameFolder() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Folder renaming (RENAME)
Method rename_folder
rcube_storage::rename_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Set a new name to an existing folder
Method rename_folder
rcube_imap::rename_folder() in rcube_imap.php
Set a new name to an existing folder
Method rename_group
rcube_contacts::rename_group() in rcube_contacts.php
Rename a specific contact group
Method rename_group
rcube_addressbook::rename_group() in rcube_addressbook.php
Rename a specific contact group
Method rename_group
rcube_ldap::rename_group() in rcube_ldap.php
Rename a specific contact group
Method rename_mailbox
Method replace
Method replace_callback
rcube_string_replacer::replace_callback() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Look up the index from the preg_replace matches array and return the substitution value.
Function rep_specialchars_output
Replacing specials characters to a specific encoding type
Function request2param
request2param() in main.inc
Convert array of request parameters (prefixed with _) to a regular array with non-prefixed keys.
Method request_form
rcube_template::request_form() in rcube_template.php
Build a form tag with a unique request token
Method require_plugin
rcube_plugin::require_plugin() in rcube_plugin.php
Attempt to load the given plugin which is required for the current plugin
Method reset
rcube_template::reset() in rcube_template.php
Delete all stored env variables and commands
Method reset
rcube_user::reset() in rcube_user.php
Clear the saved object state
Method reset
rcube_vcard::reset() in rcube_vcard.php
Clear the given fields in the loaded vcard data
Method reset
rcube_addressbook::reset() in rcube_addressbook.php
Reset saved results and search parameters
Method reset
rcube_html_page::reset() in rcube_html_page.php
Reset all saved properties
Method reset
rcube_ldap::reset() in rcube_ldap.php
Reset all saved results and search parameters
Method reset
rcube_contacts::reset() in rcube_contacts.php
Reset all saved results and search parameters
Method reset
rcube_json_output::reset() in rcube_json_output.php
Delete all stored env variables and commands
Method reset
rcube_smtp::reset() in rcube_smtp.php
Reset the global SMTP connection
Method resize
rcube_image::resize() in rcube_image.php
Resize image to a given size
Method resolve
rcube_string_replacer::resolve() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Replace substituted strings with original values
Method revert
rcube_result_index::revert() in rcube_result_index.php
Reverts order of elements in the result
Method revert
rcube_result_thread::revert() in rcube_result_thread.php
Reverts order of elements in the result
Method rfc2425_fold
rcube_vcard::rfc2425_fold() in rcube_vcard.php
Method rsort
rcube_imap::rsort() in rcube_imap.php
Recursive method for sorting folders
Method r_implode
rcube_imap_generic::r_implode() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $scripts
rcube_html_page::$scripts in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $scripts_path
rcube_html_page::$scripts_path in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $script_files
rcube_html_page::$script_files in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $searchonly
rcube_result_set::$searchonly in rcube_result_set.php
Variable $searchonly
rcube_addressbook::$searchonly in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $search_charset
rcube_imap::$search_charset in rcube_imap.php
Variable $search_set
rcube_imap::$search_set in rcube_imap.php
Variable $search_set
rcube_storage::$search_set in rcube_storage.php
Variable $search_sorted
rcube_imap::$search_sorted in rcube_imap.php
Variable $search_sort_field
Variable $search_string
rcube_imap::$search_string in rcube_imap.php
Variable $search_threads
rcube_imap::$search_threads in rcube_imap.php
Variable $selected
rcube_imap_generic::$selected in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $sender
rcube_message::$sender in rcube_message.php
Variable $session
rcmail::$session in rcmail.php
Instace of rcube_session class.
Variable $size
rcube_mail_header::$size in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $size
rcube_message_part::$size in rcube_storage.php
Variable $smtp
rcmail::$smtp in rcmail.php
Instance of rcube_smtp class.
Variable $sort_col
rcube_addressbook::$sort_col in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $sort_field
rcube_imap::$sort_field in rcube_imap.php
Variable $sort_order
rcube_addressbook::$sort_order in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $sort_order
rcube_imap::$sort_order in rcube_imap.php
Variable $storage
rcmail::$storage in rcmail.php
Instance of rcube_storage class.
Variable $struct_charset
rcube_imap::$struct_charset in rcube_imap.php
Variable $subject
rcube_mail_header::$subject in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $subject
rcube_message::$subject in rcube_message.php
Variable $sub_filter
rcube_ldap::$sub_filter in rcube_ldap.php
Variable $surname
rcube_vcard::$surname in rcube_vcard.php
Method sasl_bind
rcube_ldap::sasl_bind() in rcube_ldap.php
Bind connection with (SASL-) user and password
Method save_message
rcube_imap::save_message() in rcube_imap.php
Append a mail message (source) to a specific folder
Method save_message
rcube_storage::save_message() in rcube_storage.php
Append a mail message (source) to a specific folder.
Method save_prefs
rcube_user::save_prefs() in rcube_user.php
Write the given user prefs to the user's record
Method script
html::script() in html.php
Derrived method to create <script> tags
Method search
rcube_imap_generic::search() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes SEARCH command
Method search
rcube_ldap::search() in rcube_ldap.php
Search contacts
Method search
rcube_imap::search() in rcube_imap.php
Invoke search request to IMAP server
Method search
rcube_contacts::search() in rcube_contacts.php
Search contacts
Method search
rcube_storage::search() in rcube_storage.php
Invoke search request to the server.
Method search
rcube_addressbook::search() in rcube_addressbook.php
Search records
Method search_index
rcube_imap::search_index() in rcube_imap.php
protected search method
Class Constant SEARCH_MAIL
rcube_user::SEARCH_MAIL in rcube_user.php
Method search_once
rcube_imap::search_once() in rcube_imap.php
Direct (real and simple) SEARCH request (without result sorting and caching).
Method search_once
rcube_storage::search_once() in rcube_storage.php
Direct (real and simple) search request (without result sorting and caching).
Method seek
rcube_result_set::seek() in rcube_result_set.php
Method select
rcube_imap_generic::select() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes SELECT command (if mailbox is already not in selected state)
Method select_mailbox
Method send
rcube_template::send() in rcube_template.php
Send the request output to the client.
Method send
rcube_json_output::send() in rcube_json_output.php
Send an AJAX response to the client.
Function send_future_expire_header
send_future_expire_header() in rcube_shared.inc
Send header with expire date 30 days in future
Method send_mail
rcube_smtp::send_mail() in rcube_smtp.php
Function for sending mail
Function send_nocacheing_headers
send_nocacheing_headers() in rcube_shared.inc
Send HTTP headers to prevent caching this page
Class Constant SEPARATOR
rcube_contacts::SEPARATOR in rcube_contacts.php
rcube_result_index::SEPARATOR_ELEMENT in rcube_result_index.php
rcube_result_thread::SEPARATOR_ELEMENT in rcube_result_thread.php
rcube_result_thread::SEPARATOR_ITEM in rcube_result_thread.php
rcube_result_thread::SEPARATOR_LEVEL in rcube_result_thread.php
Method session_configure
Configure session object internals
Method session_init
Create session object and start the session.
Method set
rcube_config::set() in rcube_config.php
Setter for a config parameter
Method set
rcube_vcard::set() in rcube_vcard.php
Setter for address record fields
Method set
rcube_cache::set() in rcube_cache.php
Sets (add/update) value in cache.
Method setACL
rcube_imap_generic::setACL() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the SETACL command (RFC4314)
Method setAnnotation
rcube_imap_generic::setAnnotation() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the SETANNOTATION command (draft-daboo-imap-annotatemore)
Method setcookie
rcmail::setcookie() in rcmail.php
Helper method to set a cookie with the current path and host settings
Method setDebug
rcube_imap_generic::setDebug() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Set the value of the debugging flag.
Method setError
rcube_imap_generic::setError() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Error code/message setter.
Method setMetadata
rcube_imap_generic::setMetadata() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Send the SETMETADATA command (RFC5464)
Method set_acl
rcube_imap::set_acl() in rcube_imap.php
Changes the ACL on the specified folder (SETACL)
Method set_acl
rcube_storage::set_acl() in rcube_storage.php
Changes the ACL on the specified folder (SETACL)
Method set_auth_cookie
Set session authentication cookie
Method set_caching
rcube_imap::set_caching() in rcube_imap.php
Enable or disable indexes caching
Method set_charset
rcube_html_page::set_charset() in rcube_html_page.php
Setter for output charset.
Method set_charset
rcube_storage::set_charset() in rcube_storage.php
Set default message charset.
Method set_cookiename
rcube_session::set_cookiename() in rcube_session.php
Setter for the cookie name used for session cookie
Method set_debug
rcube_storage::set_debug() in rcube_storage.php
Activate/deactivate debug mode.
Method set_debug
rcube_ldap::set_debug() in rcube_ldap.php
Activate/deactivate debug mode
Method set_debug
rcube_mdb2::set_debug() in rcube_mdb2.php
Activate/deactivate debug mode
Method set_debug
rcube_imap::set_debug() in rcube_imap.php
Activate/deactivate debug mode
Method set_default
rcube_user::set_default() in rcube_user.php
Make this identity the default one for this user
Method set_default_folders
This list of folders will be listed above all other folders
Method set_env
rcube_imap::set_env() in rcube_imap.php
Sets delimiter and namespaces
Method set_env
rcube_json_output::set_env() in rcube_json_output.php
Set environment variable
Method set_env
rcube_template::set_env() in rcube_template.php
Set environment variable
Method set_error
rcube_addressbook::set_error() in rcube_addressbook.php
Setter for errors for internal use
Method set_flag
rcube_storage::set_flag() in rcube_storage.php
Set message flag to one or several messages
Method set_flag
rcube_imap::set_flag() in rcube_imap.php
Set message flag to one or several messages
Method set_folder
rcube_storage::set_folder() in rcube_storage.php
Set internal folder reference.
Method set_folder
rcube_imap::set_folder() in rcube_imap.php
Set internal folder reference.
Method set_folder_stats
Stores folder statistic data in session
Method set_group
rcube_ldap::set_group() in rcube_ldap.php
Setter for the current group
Method set_group
rcube_contacts::set_group() in rcube_contacts.php
Setter for the current group
Method set_group
rcube_addressbook::set_group() in rcube_addressbook.php
Setter for the current group
Method set_index
Set the predetermined sort order.
Method set_ip_check
rcube_session::set_ip_check() in rcube_session.php
Enable/disable IP check
Method set_keep_alive
rcube_session::set_keep_alive() in rcube_session.php
Setter for keep_alive interval
Method set_lifetime
rcube_session::set_lifetime() in rcube_session.php
Setter for session lifetime
Method set_mailbox
rcube_imap::set_mailbox() in rcube_imap.php
Method set_messagecount
Increde/decrese messagecount for a specific folder
Method set_messages_caching
Enable or disable messages caching
Method set_metadata
rcube_imap::set_metadata() in rcube_imap.php
Sets IMAP metadata/annotations (SETMETADATA/SETANNOTATION)
Method set_metadata
rcube_storage::set_metadata() in rcube_storage.php
Sets metadata/annotations (SETMETADATA/SETANNOTATION)
Method set_options
rcube_storage::set_options() in rcube_storage.php
Set connection and class options
Method set_page
rcube_storage::set_page() in rcube_storage.php
Set internal list page number.
Method set_page
rcube_addressbook::set_page() in rcube_addressbook.php
Set internal list page
Method set_pagesize
rcube_storage::set_pagesize() in rcube_storage.php
Set internal page size
Method set_pagesize
rcube_addressbook::set_pagesize() in rcube_addressbook.php
Set internal page size
Method set_pagetitle
rcube_json_output::set_pagetitle() in rcube_json_output.php
Issue command to set page title
Method set_pagetitle
rcube_template::set_pagetitle() in rcube_template.php
Set page title variable
Method set_part_filename
Set attachment filename from message part structure
Method set_raw
rcube_vcard::set_raw() in rcube_vcard.php
Setter for individual vcard properties
Method set_row_attribs
Set row attributes
Method set_safe
rcube_message::set_safe() in rcube_message.php
Set is_safe var and session data
Method set_search_set
Save a search result for future message listing methods
Method set_search_set
rcube_contacts::set_search_set() in rcube_contacts.php
Save a search string for future listings
Method set_search_set
rcube_addressbook::set_search_set() in rcube_addressbook.php
Save a search string for future listings
Method set_search_set
rcube_storage::set_search_set() in rcube_storage.php
Save a search result for future message listing methods.
Method set_search_set
Save a search string for future listings
Method set_secret
rcube_session::set_secret() in rcube_session.php
Setter for cookie encryption secret
Method set_skin
rcube_template::set_skin() in rcube_template.php
Set skin
Method set_sort_order
rcube_addressbook::set_sort_order() in rcube_addressbook.php
Set internal sort settings
Method set_sort_order
Set internal sort settings
Method set_sort_order
Validate the given input and save to local properties
Method set_task
rcmail::set_task() in rcmail.php
Setter for application task
Method set_threading
rcube_storage::set_threading() in rcube_storage.php
Sets threading flag to the best supported THREAD algorithm.
Method set_thread_flags
protected method for setting threaded messages flags: depth, has_children and unread_children
Method set_title
rcube_html_page::set_title() in rcube_html_page.php
Setter for page title
Method set_user
rcmail::set_user() in rcmail.php
Setter for system user object
Method set_user_prefs
rcube_config::set_user_prefs() in rcube_config.php
Merge the given prefs over the current config and make sure that they survive further merging.
Method show
html::show() in html.php
Return the tag code
Method show
Compose input tag
Method show
Create HTML code for the hidden fields
Method show
Get HTML code for this object
Method show
Get HTML code for this object
Method show
Get HTML code for this object
Method show
Get HTML code for this object
Method show
html_table::show() in html.php
Build HTML output of the table data
Function show_bytes
show_bytes() in rcube_shared.inc
Create a human readable string for a number of bytes
Method show_message
rcube_json_output::show_message() in rcube_json_output.php
Invoke display_message command
Method show_message
rcube_template::show_message() in rcube_template.php
Invoke display_message command
Method shutdown
rcmail::shutdown() in rcmail.php
Function to be executed in script shutdown
Method size
html_table::size() in html.php
Count number of rows
Function slashify
slashify() in rcube_shared.inc
Make sure the string ends with a slash
Method slice
rcube_result_thread::slice() in rcube_result_thread.php
Slices data set.
Method slice
rcube_result_index::slice() in rcube_result_index.php
Slices data set.
Method smtp_init
rcmail::smtp_init() in rcmail.php
Create SMTP object and connect to server
SMTP_MIME_CRLF in rcube_smtp.php
Method sort
rcube_imap_generic::sort() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes SORT command
Method sort
rcube_result_thread::sort() in rcube_result_thread.php
THREAD=REFS sorting implementation (based on provided index)
Method sortHeaders
rcube_imap_generic::sortHeaders() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Method sort_folder_list
Sort folders first by default folders and then in alphabethical order
Method sort_headers
Sort the array of header objects
Method sort_threads
rcube_imap::sort_threads() in rcube_imap.php
Sort threaded result, using THREAD=REFS method
Method span
html::span() in html.php
Derrived method for inline span tags
Method startsWith
rcube_imap_generic::startsWith() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Checks response status.
Method status
rcube_imap_generic::status() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes STATUS command
Method storage_connect
Connect to the mail storage server with stored session data
Method storage_init
Initialize storage object
Function strip_newlines
strip_newlines() in main.inc
Remove new lines characters from given string
Function strip_quotes
strip_quotes() in main.inc
Remove single and double quotes from given string
Method strToTime
rcube_imap_generic::strToTime() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Converts datetime string into unix timestamp
Method structure_charset
Get charset name from message structure (first part)
Method structure_part
Build message part object
Method subscribe
rcube_imap::subscribe() in rcube_imap.php
Subscribe to a specific folder(s)
Method subscribe
rcube_storage::subscribe() in rcube_storage.php
Subscribe to a specific folder(s)
Method subscribe
rcube_imap_generic::subscribe() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Folder subscription (SUBSCRIBE)
Method synchronize
rcube_imap_cache::synchronize() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Synchronizes the mailbox.
Variable $tagname
html::$tagname in html.php
Variable $tagname
Variable $tagname
Variable $tagname
Variable $tagname
Variable $tagname
Variable $task
rcube_plugin::$task in rcube_plugin.php
Regular expression defining task(s) to bind with
Variable $task
rcmail::$task in rcmail.php
Current task.
Variable $threading
rcube_imap::$threading in rcube_imap.php
Variable $threading
rcube_storage::$threading in rcube_storage.php
Variable $timestamp
rcube_mail_header::$timestamp in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $title
rcube_html_page::$title in rcube_html_page.php
Variable $to
rcube_mail_header::$to in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $type
rcube_json_output::$type in rcube_json_output.php
Variable $type
Variable $type
rcube_template::$type in rcube_template.php
Variable $type
Variable $type
Variable $type
Variable $type
Method tag
html::tag() in html.php
Generic method to create a HTML tag
Method template_exists
rcube_template::template_exists() in rcube_template.php
Check if a specific template exists
Method text_exists
rcmail::text_exists() in rcmail.php
Check if the given text label exists
Method thread
rcube_imap_generic::thread() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Executes THREAD command
Method thread_index
rcube_imap::thread_index() in rcube_imap.php
Return index of threaded message UIDs
Method tnef_decode
rcube_message::tnef_decode() in rcube_message.php
Decode a Microsoft Outlook TNEF part (winmail.dat)
Method tokenizeResponse
rcube_imap_generic::tokenizeResponse() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Splits IMAP response into string tokens
Method touch
rcube_user::touch() in rcube_user.php
Update user's last_login timestamp
Class Constant TRYCREATE
rcube_storage::TRYCREATE in rcube_storage.php
Variable $uid
rcube_message::$uid in rcube_message.php
Variable $uid
rcube_mail_header::$uid in rcube_imap_generic.php
Variable $uid_id_map
rcube_imap::$uid_id_map in rcube_imap.php
Variable $undelete
rcube_contacts::$undelete in rcube_contacts.php
Variable $undelete
rcube_addressbook::$undelete in rcube_addressbook.php
Variable $url
rcube_plugin_api::$url in rcube_plugin_api.php
Variable $urlbase
rcube_plugin::$urlbase in rcube_plugin.php
Variable $user
rcmail::$user in rcmail.php
Stores rcube_user instance.
Method UID2ID
rcube_imap_generic::UID2ID() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Returns message sequence identifier
Method uncompressMessageSet
Converts message sequence-set into array
Method undelete
rcube_addressbook::undelete() in rcube_addressbook.php
Unmark delete flag on contact record(s)
Method undelete
rcube_contacts::undelete() in rcube_contacts.php
Undelete one or more contact records
Method unEscape
rcube_imap_generic::unEscape() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Unescapes quoted-string
Method unflag
rcube_imap_generic::unflag() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Unsets flag of the message(s)
Method unfold_flowed
rcube_mime::unfold_flowed() in rcube_mime.php
Interpret a format=flowed message body according to RFC 2646
Method unfold_flowed
rcube_message::unfold_flowed() in rcube_message.php
Deprecated methods (to be removed)
Method unixtimestamp
rcube_mdb2::unixtimestamp() in rcube_mdb2.php
Return SQL statement to convert a field value into a unix timestamp
Class Constant UNKNOWN
rcube_storage::UNKNOWN in rcube_storage.php
Method unregister_hook
rcube_plugin_api::unregister_hook() in rcube_plugin_api.php
Allow a plugin object to unregister a callback.
Method unset_flag
rcube_storage::unset_flag() in rcube_storage.php
Remove message flag for one or several messages
Function unslashify
unslashify() in rcube_shared.inc
Remove slash at the end of the string
Method unsubscribe
rcube_storage::unsubscribe() in rcube_storage.php
Unsubscribe folder(s)
Method unsubscribe
rcube_imap::unsubscribe() in rcube_imap.php
Unsubscribe folder(s)
Method unsubscribe
rcube_imap_generic::unsubscribe() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Folder unsubscription (UNSUBSCRIBE)
Method update
rcube_contacts::update() in rcube_contacts.php
Update a specific contact record
Method update
rcube_ldap::update() in rcube_ldap.php
Update a specific contact record
Method update
rcube_addressbook::update() in rcube_addressbook.php
Update a specific contact record
Method update_cache
rcube_imap::update_cache() in rcube_imap.php
Update cache
Method update_identity
Update a specific identity record
Method url
rcube_plugin::url() in rcube_plugin.php
Generate an absolute URL to the given resource within the current plugin directory
Method url
rcmail::url() in rcmail.php
Build a valid URL to this instance of Roundcube
Method user2email
rcube_user::user2email() in rcube_user.php
Resolve e-mail address from virtuser plugins
Method utf7imap_to_utf8
Convert the data ($str) from RFC 2060's UTF-7 to UTF-8.
Method utf7_to_utf8
rcube_charset::utf7_to_utf8() in rcube_charset.php
Converts string from standard UTF-7 (RFC 2152) to UTF-8.
Method utf8_to_utf7imap
Convert the data ($str) from UTF-8 to RFC 2060's UTF-7.
Method utf16_to_utf8
rcube_charset::utf16_to_utf8() in rcube_charset.php
Converts string from UTF-16 to UTF-8 (helper for utf-7 to utf-8 conversion)
Method uu_decode
rcube_message::uu_decode() in rcube_message.php
Parse message body for UUencoded attachments bodies
Variable $vcard_fieldmap
rcube_contacts::$vcard_fieldmap in rcube_contacts.php
Method validate
rcube_ldap::validate() in rcube_ldap.php
Check the given data before saving.
Method validate
rcube_contacts::validate() in rcube_contacts.php
Check the given data before saving.
Method validate
rcube_addressbook::validate() in rcube_addressbook.php
Check the given data before saving.
Method vcard_encode
rcube_vcard::vcard_encode() in rcube_vcard.php
Encodes an entry for storage in our database (vcard 3.0 format, unfolded)
Method write
rcube_template::write() in rcube_template.php
Process template and write to stdOut
Method write
rcube_html_page::write() in rcube_html_page.php
Process template and write to stdOut
Method write
rcube_cache::write() in rcube_cache.php
Sets (add/update) value in cache and immediately saves it in the backend, no internal memory will be used.
Function write_log
write_log() in main.inc
Append a line to a logfile in the logs directory.
Method _entry_sort_cmp
Callback for sorting entries
Method _list_messages
protected method for listing message headers
Method _mkcookie
rcube_session::_mkcookie() in rcube_session.php
Create session cookie from session data
Method __clone
rcube_message_part::__clone() in rcube_storage.php
Method __construct
rcube_result_index::__construct() in rcube_result_index.php
Object constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_plugin::__construct() in rcube_plugin.php
Default constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_mdb2::__construct() in rcube_mdb2.php
Object constructor
Method __construct
rcube_message::__construct() in rcube_message.php
Method __construct
rcube_mime::__construct() in rcube_mime.php
Object constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_result_set::__construct() in rcube_result_set.php
Method __construct
rcube_session::__construct() in rcube_session.php
Default constructor
Method __construct
rcube_user::__construct() in rcube_user.php
Object constructor
Method __construct
rcube_vcard::__construct() in rcube_vcard.php
Method __construct
rcube_template::__construct() in rcube_template.php
Method __construct
rcube_string_replacer::__construct() in rcube_string_replacer.php
Method __construct
rcube_spellchecker::__construct() in rcube_spellchecker.php
Method __construct
rcube_result_thread::__construct() in rcube_result_thread.php
Object constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_json_output::__construct() in rcube_json_output.php
Method __construct
rcube_browser::__construct() in rcube_browser.php
Method __construct
rcube_cache::__construct() in rcube_cache.php
Object constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_config::__construct() in rcube_config.php
Object constructor
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Object constructor
Method __construct
rcube_contacts::__construct() in rcube_contacts.php
Object constructor
Method __construct
rcube_html_page::__construct() in rcube_html_page.php
Method __construct
rcube_imap_cache::__construct() in rcube_imap_cache.php
Object constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_imap_generic::__construct() in rcube_imap_generic.php
Object constructor
Method __construct
rcube_ldap::__construct() in rcube_ldap.php
Object constructor
Method __construct
rcube_imap::__construct() in rcube_imap.php
Object constructor.
Method __construct
rcube_image::__construct() in rcube_image.php
Method __construct
Method __get
rcube_imap::__get() in rcube_imap.php
Magic getter for backward compat.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w _