[Core] element index

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Method _write
rcmail_output_html::_write() in rcmail_output_html.php
Process template and write to stdOut
Method __construct
rcmail_output_html::__construct() in rcmail_output_html.php
Method __construct
rcmail_output::__construct() in rcmail_output.php
Object constructor
Variable $action
rcmail::$action in rcmail.php
Current action.
Method autocomplete_init
Initializes client-side autocompletion.
Method autoselect_host
Auto-select IMAP host based on the posted login information
Variable $ajax_call
rcmail_output_json::$ajax_call in rcmail_output_json.php
Variable $ajax_call
rcmail_output::$ajax_call in rcmail_output.php
Method about_content
rcmail_output_html::about_content() in rcmail_output_html.php
Include content from config/about.<LANG>.html if available
Method abs_url
rcmail_output_html::abs_url() in rcmail_output_html.php
Make URLs starting with a slash point to skin directory
Method add_footer
rcmail_output_html::add_footer() in rcmail_output_html.php
Add HTML code to the page footer To be added right befor </body>
Method add_gui_object
rcmail_output_html::add_gui_object() in rcmail_output_html.php
Register a GUI object to the client script
Method add_handler
rcmail_output::add_handler() in rcmail_output.php
Register a template object handler
Method add_handler
rcmail_output_json::add_handler() in rcmail_output_json.php
Register a template object handler
Method add_handlers
rcmail_output_json::add_handlers() in rcmail_output_json.php
Register a list of template object handlers
Method add_handlers
rcmail_output::add_handlers() in rcmail_output.php
Register a list of template object handlers
Method add_header
rcmail_output_html::add_header() in rcmail_output_html.php
Add HTML code to the page header
Method add_label
rcmail_output_html::add_label() in rcmail_output_html.php
Add a localized label to the client environment
Method add_label
rcmail_output::add_label() in rcmail_output.php
Add a localized label to the client environment
Method add_label
rcmail_output_json::add_label() in rcmail_output_json.php
Add a localized label to the client environment
Method add_script
rcmail_output_html::add_script() in rcmail_output_html.php
Add inline javascript code
Method alter_form_tag
rcmail_output_html::alter_form_tag() in rcmail_output_html.php
Inserts hidden field with CSRF-prevention-token into POST forms
Method build_folder_tree
Create a hierarchical array of the mailbox list
Page bc.php
bc.php in bc.php
Variable $base_path
rcmail_output_html::$base_path in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $body
rcmail_output_html::$body in rcmail_output_html.php
Method button
rcmail_output_html::button() in rcmail_output_html.php
Create and register a button
Variable $comm_path
rcmail::$comm_path in rcmail.php
Method check_request
Check if the current request contains a valid token
Page clisetup.php
clisetup.php in clisetup.php
Function check_email
check_email() in bc.php
Function console
console() in bc.php
Function create_attrib_string
Variable $callbacks
rcmail_output_json::$callbacks in rcmail_output_json.php
Variable $commands
rcmail_output_json::$commands in rcmail_output_json.php
Variable $css_files
rcmail_output_html::$css_files in rcmail_output_html.php
Method charset_selector
rcmail_output_html::charset_selector() in rcmail_output_html.php
GUI object 'charsetselector'
Method check_condition
rcmail_output_html::check_condition() in rcmail_output_html.php
Determines if a given condition is met
Method command
rcmail_output_json::command() in rcmail_output_json.php
Call a client method
Method command
rcmail_output_html::command() in rcmail_output_html.php
Call a client method
Method command
rcmail_output::command() in rcmail_output.php
Call a client method
Method current_username
rcmail_output_html::current_username() in rcmail_output_html.php
GUI object 'username' Showing IMAP username of the current session
Method deliver_message
Send the given message using the configured method.
Method display_server_error
Outputs error message according to server error/response codes
Variable $default_template
rcmail_output_html::$default_template in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $deprecated_templates
Class Constant ERROR_STORAGE
rcmail::ERROR_STORAGE in rcmail.php
Function enriched_to_html
Method eval_expression
rcmail_output_html::eval_expression() in rcmail_output_html.php
Parse & evaluate a given expression and return its result.
Method folder_classname
Return internal name for the given folder if it matches the configured special folders
Method folder_list
rcmail::folder_list() in rcmail.php
Return folders list in HTML
Method folder_selector
Return folders list as html_select object
Method font_defs
rcmail::font_defs() in rcmail.php
Returns supported font-family specifications
Method format_date
rcmail::format_date() in rcmail.php
Convert the given date to a human readable form This uses the date formatting properties from config
Function format_date
format_date() in bc.php
Variable $footer
rcmail_output_html::$footer in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $framed
rcmail_output::$framed in rcmail_output.php
Method file_callback
rcmail_output_html::file_callback() in rcmail_output_html.php
Callback function for preg_replace_callback in write()
Method fix_paths
rcmail_output_html::fix_paths() in rcmail_output_html.php
Correct absolute paths in images and other tags
Method form_tag
rcmail_output_html::form_tag() in rcmail_output_html.php
Create a form tag with the necessary hidden fields
Method frame
rcmail_output_html::frame() in rcmail_output_html.php
Returns iframe object, registers some related env variables
Method gen_message_id
Unique Message-ID generator.
Method get_action_file
Returns current action filename
Method get_address_book
Return instance of the internal address book class
Method get_address_sources
Return address books list
Method get_instance
This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
Method get_request_token
Generate a unique token to be used in a form request
Function get_boolean
get_boolean() in bc.php
Function get_input_value
Function get_opt
get_opt() in bc.php
Function get_table_name
Method get_js_commands
rcmail_output_html::get_js_commands() in rcmail_output_html.php
Return executable javascript code for all registered commands
Method get_js_commands
rcmail_output_json::get_js_commands() in rcmail_output_json.php
Return executable javascript code for all registered commands
Method get_pagetitle
rcmail_output_html::get_pagetitle() in rcmail_output_html.php
Getter for the current page title
Method get_skin_file
rcmail_output_html::get_skin_file() in rcmail_output_html.php
Find the given file in the current skin path stack
Method get_skin_path
rcmail_output::get_skin_path() in rcmail_output.php
Getter for the current skin path property
Method globals_callback
rcmail_output_html::globals_callback() in rcmail_output_html.php
Callback funtion for preg_replace_callback() in parse_with_globals()
Method html_editor
rcmail::html_editor() in rcmail.php
Output HTML editor scripts
Function html_identifier
Variable $header
rcmail_output_html::$header in rcmail_output_html.php
Method imap_connect
Method imap_init
rcmail::imap_init() in rcmail.php
Page iniset.php
iniset.php in iniset.php
INSTALL_PATH in iniset.php
Method include_css
rcmail_output_html::include_css() in rcmail_output_html.php
Link an external css file
Method include_php
rcmail_output_html::include_php() in rcmail_output_html.php
Include a specific file and return it's contents
Method include_script
rcmail_output_html::include_script() in rcmail_output_html.php
Link an external script file
Method json_init
rcmail::json_init() in rcmail.php
Create an output object for JSON responses
Function JQ
JQ() in bc.php
Function json_serialize
JS_OBJECT_NAME in bc.php
Variable $js_commands
rcmail_output_html::$js_commands in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $js_env
rcmail_output_html::$js_env in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $js_labels
rcmail_output_html::$js_labels in rcmail_output_html.php
Class Constant JS_OBJECT_NAME
rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME in rcmail_output.php
Method just_parse
rcmail_output_html::just_parse() in rcmail_output_html.php
Public wrapper to dipp into template parsing.
Method kill_session
Destroy session data and remove cookie
Method load_gui
rcmail::load_gui() in rcmail.php
Init output object for GUI and add common scripts.
Method localize_foldername
Try to localize the given IMAP folder name.
Method localize_folderpath
Method login
rcmail::login() in rcmail.php
Perfom login to the mail server and to the webmail service.
Method login_error
rcmail::login_error() in rcmail.php
Returns error code of last login operation
Method logout_actions
Do server side actions on logout
Method log_login
rcmail::log_login() in rcmail.php
Write login data (name, ID, IP address) to the 'userlogins' log file.
Method login_form
rcmail_output_html::login_form() in rcmail_output_html.php
GUI object 'loginform' Returns code for the webmail login form
Variable $main_tasks
rcmail::$main_tasks in rcmail.php
Main tasks.
Method message_part_size
Returns real size (calculated) of the message part
Method mailto_callback
rcmail_string_replacer::mailto_callback() in rcmail_string_replacer.php
Callback function used to build mailto: links around e-mail strings
Variable $message
rcmail_output_html::$message in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $message
rcmail_output_json::$message in rcmail_output_json.php
Method message_container
rcmail_output_html::message_container() in rcmail_output_html.php
Builder for GUI object 'message'
Method overwrite_action
Overwrite action variable
Variable $object_handlers
rcmail_output::$object_handlers in rcmail_output.php
Function parse_attrib_string
Function parse_input_value
Function prompt_silent
prompt_silent() in bc.php
Variable $pagetitle
rcmail_output::$pagetitle in rcmail_output.php
Method parse
rcmail_output_html::parse() in rcmail_output_html.php
Parse a specific skin template and deliver to stdout (or return)
Method parse_conditions
rcmail_output_html::parse_conditions() in rcmail_output_html.php
Parse for conditional tags
Method parse_with_globals
Replace all strings ($varname) with the content of the according global variable.
Method parse_xml
rcmail_output_html::parse_xml() in rcmail_output_html.php
Search for special tags in input and replace them with the appropriate content
Method preloader
rcmail_output_html::preloader() in rcmail_output_html.php
GUI object 'preloader' Loads javascript code for images preloading
Method quota_content
Method quota_display
Function Q
Q() in bc.php
Page rcmail.php
rcmail.php in rcmail.php
Class rcmail
rcmail in rcmail.php
Application class of Roundcube Webmail implemented as singleton
Function rcmail_autoload
rcmail_autoload() in iniset.php
PHP5 autoloader routine for dynamic class loading
RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR in iniset.php
RCMAIL_START in iniset.php
RCMAIL_VERSION in iniset.php
RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR in iniset.php
RCUBE_INSTALL_PATH in iniset.php
Method register_action_map
Registers action aliases for current task
Method render_folder_tree_html
Return html for a structured list &lt;ul&gt; for the mailbox tree
Method render_folder_tree_select
Return html for a flat list <select> for the mailbox tree
Method replace_emoticons
Replaces TinyMCE's emoticon images with plain-text representation
Function raise_error
raise_error() in bc.php
Function rcmail_build_folder_tree
Function rcmail_deliver_message
Function rcmail_display_server_error
Function rcmail_filetype2classname
Function rcmail_folder_classname
Function rcmail_gen_message_id
Function rcmail_get_edit_field
Function rcmail_localize_foldername
Function rcmail_localize_folderpath
Function rcmail_log_login
Function rcmail_mailbox_list
Function rcmail_mailbox_select
Function rcmail_mem_check
Function rcmail_mod_css_styles
Function rcmail_overwrite_action
Function rcmail_quota_content
Function rcmail_quota_display
Function rcmail_remote_ip
Function rcmail_render_folder_tree_html
Function rcmail_render_folder_tree_select
Function rcmail_replace_emoticons
Function rcmail_temp_gc
Function rcmail_url
rcmail_url() in bc.php
Function rcmail_user_date
Function rcmail_xss_entity_decode
Function rcube_autocomplete_init
Function rcube_charset_convert
Function rcube_check_referer
Function rcube_explode_quoted_string
Function rcube_fontdefs
Function rcube_html_editor
Class rcube_html_page
rcube_html_page in bc.php
Class to create an empty HTML page with some default styles
Function rcube_https_check
Function rcube_idn_to_ascii
Function rcube_idn_to_utf8
Function rcube_label
rcube_label() in bc.php
Function rcube_label_exists
Function rcube_log_bug
rcube_log_bug() in bc.php
Function rcube_parse_host
Function rcube_print_time
Function rcube_sess_unset
Function rcube_strtotime
Function rcube_table_output
Function rcube_timer
rcube_timer() in bc.php
Function rcube_upload_init
Function rcube_upload_progress
Function rc_detect_encoding
Function rc_image_content_type
Function rc_mime_content_type
Function rc_request_header
Function rc_utf8_clean
rc_utf8_clean() in bc.php
Function rc_wordwrap
rc_wordwrap() in bc.php
Function rep_specialchars_output
Function request2param
request2param() in bc.php
Page rcmail_string_replacer.php
rcmail_string_replacer.php in rcmail_string_replacer.php
Class rcmail_string_replacer
rcmail_string_replacer in rcmail_string_replacer.php
Helper class for turning URLs and email addresses in plaintext content into clickable links.
Page rcmail_html_page.php
rcmail_html_page.php in rcmail_html_page.php
Page rcmail_output.php
rcmail_output.php in rcmail_output.php
Page rcmail_output_html.php
rcmail_output_html.php in rcmail_output_html.php
Page rcmail_output_json.php
rcmail_output_json.php in rcmail_output_json.php
Method raise_error
rcmail_output_json::raise_error() in rcmail_output_json.php
Show error page and terminate script execution
Method raise_error
rcmail_output_html::raise_error() in rcmail_output_html.php
Show error page and terminate script execution
Class rcmail_html_page
rcmail_html_page in rcmail_html_page.php
Class to create an empty HTML page with some default styles
Class rcmail_output
rcmail_output in rcmail_output.php
Class for output generation
Class rcmail_output_html
rcmail_output_html in rcmail_output_html.php
Class to create HTML page output using a skin template
Class rcmail_output_json
rcmail_output_json in rcmail_output_json.php
View class to produce JSON responses
Method redirect
rcmail_output_json::redirect() in rcmail_output_json.php
Redirect to a certain url
Method redirect
rcmail_output_html::redirect() in rcmail_output_html.php
Redirect to a certain url
Method remote_response
rcmail_output_json::remote_response() in rcmail_output_json.php
Send an AJAX response with executable JS code
Method request_form
rcmail_output_html::request_form() in rcmail_output_html.php
Build a form tag with a unique request token
Method reset
rcmail_output_json::reset() in rcmail_output_json.php
Delete all stored env variables and commands
Method reset
rcmail_output::reset() in rcmail_output.php
Delete all stored env variables and commands
Method reset
rcmail_output_html::reset() in rcmail_output_html.php
Delete all stored env variables and commands
Method session_init
Create session object and start the session.
Method setcookie
rcmail::setcookie() in rcmail.php
Method set_task
rcmail::set_task() in rcmail.php
Setter for application task
Method set_user
rcmail::set_user() in rcmail.php
Setter for system user object
Method show_bytes
rcmail::show_bytes() in rcmail.php
Create a human readable string for a number of bytes
Method shutdown
rcmail::shutdown() in rcmail.php
Function to be executed in script shutdown
Method startup
rcmail::startup() in rcmail.php
Initial startup function
Method storage_connect
Connect to the mail storage server with stored session data
Function send_future_expire_header
Function send_nocacheing_headers
Function show_bytes
show_bytes() in bc.php
Variable $scripts
rcmail_output_html::$scripts in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $scripts_path
rcmail_output_html::$scripts_path in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $script_files
rcmail_output_html::$script_files in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $skin_paths
rcmail_output_html::$skin_paths in rcmail_output_html.php
Method search_form
rcmail_output_html::search_form() in rcmail_output_html.php
GUI object 'searchform' Returns code for search function
Method send
rcmail_output_json::send() in rcmail_output_json.php
Send an AJAX response to the client.
Method send
rcmail_output_html::send() in rcmail_output_html.php
Send the request output to the client.
Method set_env
rcmail_output_html::set_env() in rcmail_output_html.php
Set environment variable
Method set_pagetitle
rcmail_output_json::set_pagetitle() in rcmail_output_json.php
Issue command to set page title
Method set_pagetitle
rcmail_output::set_pagetitle() in rcmail_output.php
Setter for page title
Method set_skin
rcmail_output_html::set_skin() in rcmail_output_html.php
Set skin
Method show_message
rcmail_output_json::show_message() in rcmail_output_json.php
Invoke display_message command
Method show_message
rcmail_output_html::show_message() in rcmail_output_html.php
Invoke display_message command
Variable $task
rcmail::$task in rcmail.php
Current task.
Method table_output
Create a HTML table based on the given data
Variable $template_name
rcmail_output_html::$template_name in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $texts
rcmail_output_json::$texts in rcmail_output_json.php
Variable $type
rcmail_output_json::$type in rcmail_output_json.php
Variable $type
rcmail_output_html::$type in rcmail_output_html.php
Variable $type
rcmail_output::$type in rcmail_output.php
Method template_exists
rcmail_output_html::template_exists() in rcmail_output_html.php
Check if a specific template exists
Method upload_init
rcmail::upload_init() in rcmail.php
Initializes file uploading interface.
Method upload_progress
File upload progress handler.
Method url
rcmail::url() in rcmail.php
Build a valid URL to this instance of Roundcube
Method user_date
rcmail::user_date() in rcmail.php
Returns RFC2822 formatted current date in user's timezone
Function write_log
write_log() in bc.php
Method write
rcmail_output_html::write() in rcmail_output_html.php
Process template and write to stdOut
Method write
rcmail_html_page::write() in rcmail_html_page.php
Method xml_command
rcmail_output_html::xml_command() in rcmail_output_html.php
Callback function for parsing an xml command tag and turn it into real html content
a b c d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u w x _