Class rcube_csv2vcard


CSV to vCard data converter

Located in /lib/Roundcube/rcube_csv2vcard.php (line 26)

Variable Summary
 array $label_map
 mixed $map
 mixed $vcards
Method Summary
 rcube_csv2vcard __construct ([string $lang = 'en_US'])
 void csv_to_vcard ( $data)
 array export ()
 void import ( $csv)
 void parse_header ( $elements)
 void parse_line ( $line)
array $csv2vcard_map = array(
// MS Outlook 2010
'anniversary' => 'anniversary',
'assistants_name' => 'assistant',
'assistants_phone' => 'phone:assistant',
'birthday' => 'birthday',
'business_city' => 'locality:work',
'business_countryregion' => 'country:work',
'business_fax' => 'phone:work,fax',
'business_phone' => 'phone:work',
'business_phone_2' => 'phone:work2',
'business_postal_code' => 'zipcode:work',
'business_state' => 'region:work',
'business_street' => 'street:work',
//'business_street_2' => '',
//'business_street_3' => '',
'car_phone' => 'phone:car',
'categories' => 'categories',
//'children' => '',
'company' => 'organization',
//'company_main_phone' => '',
'department' => 'department',
//'email_2_address' => '', //@TODO
//'email_2_type' => '',
//'email_3_address' => '', //@TODO
//'email_3_type' => '',
'email_address' => 'email:main',
//'email_type' => '',
'first_name' => 'firstname',
'gender' => 'gender',
'home_city' => 'locality:home',
'home_countryregion' => 'country:home',
'home_fax' => 'phone:home,fax',
'home_phone' => 'phone:home',
'home_phone_2' => 'phone:home2',
'home_postal_code' => 'zipcode:home',
'home_state' => 'region:home',
'home_street' => 'street:home',
//'home_street_2' => '',
//'home_street_3' => '',
//'initials' => '',
//'isdn' => '',
'job_title' => 'jobtitle',
//'keywords' => '',
//'language' => '',
'last_name' => 'surname',
//'location' => '',
'managers_name' => 'manager',
'middle_name' => 'middlename',
//'mileage' => '',
'mobile_phone' => 'phone:cell',
'notes' => 'notes',
//'office_location' => '',
'other_city' => 'locality:other',
'other_countryregion' => 'country:other',
'other_fax' => 'phone:other,fax',
'other_phone' => 'phone:other',
'other_postal_code' => 'zipcode:other',
'other_state' => 'region:other',
'other_street' => 'street:other',
//'other_street_2' => '',
//'other_street_3' => '',
'pager' => 'phone:pager',
'primary_phone' => 'phone:pref',
//'profession' => '',
//'radio_phone' => '',
'spouse' => 'spouse',
'suffix' => 'suffix',
'title' => 'title',
'web_page' => 'website:homepage',

// Thunderbird
'birth_day' => 'birthday-d',
'birth_month' => 'birthday-m',
'birth_year' => 'birthday-y',
'display_name' => 'displayname',
'fax_number' => 'phone:fax',
'home_address' => 'street:home',
//'home_address_2' => '',
'home_country' => 'country:home',
'home_zipcode' => 'zipcode:home',
'mobile_number' => 'phone:cell',
'nickname' => 'nickname',
'organization' => 'organization',
'pager_number' => 'phone:pager',
'primary_email' => 'email:pref',
'secondary_email' => 'email:other',
'web_page_1' => 'website:homepage',
'web_page_2' => 'website:other',
'work_phone' => 'phone:work',
'work_address' => 'street:work',
//'work_address_2' => '',
'work_country' => 'country:work',
'work_zipcode' => 'zipcode:work',
'last' => 'surname',
'first' => 'firstname',
'work_city' => 'locality:work',
'work_state' => 'region:work',
'home_city_short' => 'locality:home',
'home_state_short' => 'region:home',

// Atmail
'date_of_birth' => 'birthday',
'email' => 'email:pref',
'home_mobile' => 'phone:cell',
'home_zip' => 'zipcode:home',
'info' => 'notes',
'user_photo' => 'photo',
'url' => 'website:homepage',
'work_company' => 'organization',
'work_dept' => 'departament',
'work_fax' => 'phone:work,fax',
'work_mobile' => 'phone:work,cell',
'work_title' => 'jobtitle',
'work_zip' => 'zipcode:work',
(line 33)

CSV to vCard fields mapping

  • access: protected
array $label_map = array(
// MS Outlook 2010
'anniversary' => "Anniversary",
'assistants_name' => "Assistant's Name",
'assistants_phone' => "Assistant's Phone",
'birthday' => "Birthday",
'business_city' => "Business City",
'business_countryregion' => "Business Country/Region",
'business_fax' => "Business Fax",
'business_phone' => "Business Phone",
'business_phone_2' => "Business Phone 2",
'business_postal_code' => "Business Postal Code",
'business_state' => "Business State",
'business_street' => "Business Street",
//'business_street_2' => "Business Street 2",
//'business_street_3' => "Business Street 3",
'car_phone' => "Car Phone",
'categories' => "Categories",
//'children' => "Children",
'company' => "Company",
//'company_main_phone' => "Company Main Phone",
'department' => "Department",
//'directory_server' => "Directory Server",
//'email_2_address' => "E-mail 2 Address",
//'email_2_type' => "E-mail 2 Type",
//'email_3_address' => "E-mail 3 Address",
//'email_3_type' => "E-mail 3 Type",
'email_address' => "E-mail Address",
//'email_type' => "E-mail Type",
'first_name' => "First Name",
'gender' => "Gender",
'home_city' => "Home City",
'home_countryregion' => "Home Country/Region",
'home_fax' => "Home Fax",
'home_phone' => "Home Phone",
'home_phone_2' => "Home Phone 2",
'home_postal_code' => "Home Postal Code",
'home_state' => "Home State",
'home_street' => "Home Street",
//'home_street_2' => "Home Street 2",
//'home_street_3' => "Home Street 3",
//'initials' => "Initials",
//'isdn' => "ISDN",
'job_title' => "Job Title",
//'keywords' => "Keywords",
//'language' => "Language",
'last_name' => "Last Name",
//'location' => "Location",
'managers_name' => "Manager's Name",
'middle_name' => "Middle Name",
//'mileage' => "Mileage",
'mobile_phone' => "Mobile Phone",
'notes' => "Notes",
//'office_location' => "Office Location",
'other_city' => "Other City",
'other_countryregion' => "Other Country/Region",
'other_fax' => "Other Fax",
'other_phone' => "Other Phone",
'other_postal_code' => "Other Postal Code",
'other_state' => "Other State",
'other_street' => "Other Street",
//'other_street_2' => "Other Street 2",
//'other_street_3' => "Other Street 3",
'pager' => "Pager",
'primary_phone' => "Primary Phone",
//'profession' => "Profession",
//'radio_phone' => "Radio Phone",
'spouse' => "Spouse",
'suffix' => "Suffix",
'title' => "Title",
'web_page' => "Web Page",

// Thunderbird
'birth_day' => "Birth Day",
'birth_month' => "Birth Month",
'birth_year' => "Birth Year",
'display_name' => "Display Name",
'fax_number' => "Fax Number",
'home_address' => "Home Address",
//'home_address_2' => "Home Address 2",
'home_country' => "Home Country",
'home_zipcode' => "Home ZipCode",
'mobile_number' => "Mobile Number",
'nickname' => "Nickname",
'organization' => "Organization",
'pager_number' => "Pager Namber",
'primary_email' => "Primary Email",
'secondary_email' => "Secondary Email",
'web_page_1' => "Web Page 1",
'web_page_2' => "Web Page 2",
'work_phone' => "Work Phone",
'work_address' => "Work Address",
//'work_address_2' => "Work Address 2",
'work_city' => "Work City",
'work_country' => "Work Country",
'work_state' => "Work State",
'work_zipcode' => "Work ZipCode",

// Atmail
'date_of_birth' => "Date of Birth",
'email' => "Email",
//'email_2' => "Email2",
//'email_3' => "Email3",
//'email_4' => "Email4",
//'email_5' => "Email5",
'home_mobile' => "Home Mobile",
'home_zip' => "Home Zip",
'info' => "Info",
'user_photo' => "User Photo",
'url' => "URL",
'work_company' => "Work Company",
'work_dept' => "Work Dept",
'work_fax' => "Work Fax",
'work_mobile' => "Work Mobile",
'work_title' => "Work Title",
'work_zip' => "Work Zip",
(line 155)

CSV label to text mapping for English

  • access: protected
mixed $local_label_map = array() (line 273)
  • access: protected
mixed $map = array() (line 275)
  • access: protected
mixed $vcards = array() (line 274)
  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 283)

Class constructor

  • access: public
rcube_csv2vcard __construct ([string $lang = 'en_US'])
  • string $lang: File language
csv_to_vcard (line 404)

Convert CSV data row to vCard

  • access: protected
void csv_to_vcard ( $data)
  • $data
export (line 338)
  • return: rcube_vcard List of vcards
  • access: public
array export ()
import (line 303)
  • access: public
void import ( $csv)
  • $csv
parse_header (line 375)

Parse CSV header line, detect fields mapping

  • access: protected
void parse_header ( $elements)
  • $elements
parse_line (line 346)

Parse CSV file line

  • access: protected
void parse_line ( $line)
  • $line

Documentation generated on Fri, 03 May 2013 12:44:58 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4